
Jul 11, 2010
Hi guys. It's been awhile. Hope everyone is doing well and achieving their gains.

I felt I had a duty to you guys to let you know the bad news I have encountered, that was most likely due to my chem pe protocol or severely over training.

My size has tapered down even farther, and I am now at 7" length by 5 3/4" girth.

I am now unable to achieve an erection without ED medication. I will most likely be using prescription tri-mix rest of my life.

I don't know where I went wrong. Tri-mix, dsmo/paba, severely overtrained my penis and caused permanent damage, who knows.

I would just like to advise you all, try and achieve your gains naturally without chemicals, and give your penis the proper rest it needs to heal. I can't quite put the blame on any one thing I did that put me in this situation but.....

You don't want to end up like me.
You believe this all happened at the hands of chemical PE? I never believed in it myself and found it far to risky so I would never tried. I did hope that someone would find a safe way to use chemicals that truly worked but I remain skeptical. Sorry to hear about your issues, I think some good old fashion natural PE will make you better.
I felt I was better versed than almost anyone I had talked to about chem pe. The only other person I had spoken to with comparable knowledge was Ronielle, and he got the results he wanted and walked away from chem pe intact and moved on with his life.

I attempted to do the same thing, and I noticed over time that my eq slowly became worse and worse without the tri-mix injections. I started to jelq again to see if it would reverse the progression. It gave slight initial results that eventually tapered off.

It got to the point where my member was constantly cold to the touch, turtling up as much as it could, and it was not allowing my urine to empty completely.

I had all the normal blood work ran to see if everything was in order, and everything came back fine. Test levels were on the high end, no prostate issues, nothing could be found.

Nerve damage seems to be the culprit, and since I ran an srt type program to compliment my chem pe protocol, it's hard to say what the exact culprit is.

I think it was overuse of the tri-mix. I try Viagra or cialis, no erection at all. Nothing. soon as I try tri-mix, everything is back in order.
The mind, and the development of desire within, are the strongest ED chemicals. The reactions to all the glandular activity that result in a total bone all begin in the mind.

The mind is a terrible thing to waste. If you are going thru some unusual stress, sit back and take a break, we all remember when we were 14-15 and that damned thing had a mind of its own, but those days are over, relax and let shit happen as it should.
Its like bodybuilding, if you stop training you start to lose your gains, atleast thats the case for my tunica gains both length and girth.The only gains that seem permanent to me are those that i got from my hanging to lengthen the ligaments.Plus some of my length and some girth.I dont think DMSO and PABA fucked you up.
maybe you really overtrained your dick, and it will take couple months to get back to normal.I had a 6 months break from PE and GYM and any physical activity, recently which fucked me up pretty good.I lost like 12kg of muscle mass, some gains,EQ etc. Now i am back to going to the gym eating a lot of food and training my dick, and everything is normal.
I learned that i cant expect my dick to be perfect when i dont care about it and punish my body.
-Lots of healthy food
- sex/masterbation
-less stress
If i do those things everything is perfect.

I found that when i eat a lot and go to the gym my dick gains increase as well as my dick is stronger and less prone to injury, also it recovers faster and i can make faster gains.
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Terrible story those stupid chemicals are ruining your life thats bullshit...Those stupid ass medicines and their evil results some of them seem to work but they damage the body at the same time...Are you an addict to that maybe you can quit....
Fader;641526 said:
The mind, and the development of desire within, are the strongest ED chemicals. The reactions to all the glandular activity that result in a total bone all begin in the mind.

The mind is a terrible thing to waste. If you are going thru some unusual stress, sit back and take a break, we all remember when we were 14-15 and that damned thing had a mind of its own, but those days are over, relax and let shit happen as it should.

Well said. I do own and operate a company with 38 employees, and many days I deal with their personal issues without dealing with my own.
I know I have a stressful career but many days I do not realize it. I tend to get alot of professional massages and spend time at the spa to counteract it.
I look back, and even before I started PE, I was constantly stressed out, battling with ulcers. I got shingles when I was 28 years old. Lol
I have started DLD newbie routine once again, and I'll take it nice and slow and gentle, and see where that gets me.

Without injecting tri-mix, I have no sensitivity at all anywhere on my shaft or glans. I can't even get erect from masturbation while watching �naked people movies�. I have no ability to get erect at all without that injectable ed medication.

Doctors seem to think nerve damage coupled with lack of circulation. One doctor recommended l-arginine, and I have tried up to 8 grams in one day with minimal effect.

I'll give jelqing and stretching some time, and I'll keep studying to see what else can be done.
All natural is how I went and I made amazing strides in PE.
timber I am very sorry for what you are going through, but I think a lot of brothers need to read this. Injecting your penis is dangerous and there is no research done on this stuff and if you start running a bunch of drugs you are taking things into your own hands.
Like others said try to eliminate stress, and if I was you I would throw the tri mix stuff into the garbage its obviously a bad thing. As far as natural remedies there are tons of things you can try: horny goat weed, tribustan (its a stronger version of tribulus), a little alcohol, extra forplay... I really hope things work out and you still have a large penis so keep your head up. stay strong
how old are you timber???...your routine was hard core, like my own in some ways..i just turned 50 and have had minor e d for several yrs..I was contemplating using the tri mix drug not as a p e device but as a means to get a rock hard woody..the erections I get with Viagra have been less than stellar and seem to be hit and miss as far as quality....my routine consisted of heavy hanging btc with as much as 32 pounds for 3 or 4 sets and using an extender for 3 to 5 hours a day .I normally do this 7 days a week.i would also do some very hard manual pulls here and there.well any way last month I took a 2 days off and cut out the hanging days before a scheduled measurement date. ..also days and weeks before the measurement date I started a kegal program which I never did before. I also was taking l citruline, l arginine, pomagranite juice, Korean red ginsing and other natural stuff for testosterone and blood flow..on measurement day I measured 7 7/8 nbpel I had a woody I haven't had since I was in my 30's...I just measured yesterday and was a tiny bit over 7 3/4 but it was a struggle to get that measurement...so what changed I slacked on my kegals did not have a rest day prior, I did cut the hanging a few days before , but I believe I was still over worked from the hanging..i tried like a mother fxxxxker to get to 8 nbpel ......i believe that you need to do a light weight routine with 1 or 2 days off per week .. I have reevaluated my goals and believe that erection quality is more important now..imo I think heavy hanging or all day hanging can wair a geezers dick out..guys over 40 as you might know don't always get the woodys as a younger guy ..I believe age and gung ho routines can have negative effect on your erections...my advice is to get a comfortable extender use low to moderate tension 2 to 4 hours aday and do about 50 to 150 jelqs 3 to 4 days a week..and do some stretches don't go to harcore on these, start logging hours with an extender..this should halt any more loss..imo your severely over trained......btw I started at 6 nbpel x 5.75 msg
^^^Thing is, I've had plenty of time to rest and heal, and I tapered my jelqing routine down gradually. I didn't go cold turkey or anything like that.
I've started to do some light jelqing everyday after I get out of the shower, and it's actually starting to help. My kegels seemed very weak as well compared to before, so been working on those too.
I don't have any doubts that I probably overtrained. I felt like I wasn't injuring myself since I was never in pain, but I was probably wrong.
I have very elastic joints, ligs and tendons, which probably helped give me quick gains, but also hindered my ability to heal.

I'll stick to light jelqing and kegels for now, since I'm making some positive progress, and maybe add an extender later on to regain some of my lost length back. First priority is getting things working normal again.
timber1981;647150 said:
^^^Thing is, I've had plenty of time to rest and heal, and I tapered my jelqing routine down gradually. I didn't go cold turkey or anything like that.
I've started to do some light jelqing everyday after I get out of the shower, and it's actually starting to help. My kegels seemed very weak as well compared to before, so been working on those too.
I don't have any doubts that I probably overtrained. I felt like I wasn't injuring myself since I was never in pain, but I was probably wrong.
I have very elastic joints, ligs and tendons, which probably helped give me quick gains, but also hindered my ability to heal.

I'll stick to light jelqing and kegels for now, since I'm making some positive progress, and maybe add an extender later on to regain some of my lost length back. First priority is getting things working normal again.

A SizeGenetics would be a good device with your situation because of your issues with healing. Since the extender can be set to very light tension it makes it perfect for you and as you feel ready you can slowly inch up the resistance. It sounds like there is a good side to your ligaments being so elastic and to make that good on the healing side the SG would really do the job well.
I just got a prescription for Human Grade DMSO. I pick it up tomorrow. Should be interesting to see how it differs from the Vet Grade. Was pricy too but willing to try it.

I ended up ordering some new spare parts for my old phallosan. when I was at my largest size, it was a difficult task getting jammed into the large size suction head, and I quit trying to use it and lost several of the parts that I need for it to work properly.

I'll wear that every night after work and eventually build up to 5-6 hours and see how that progresses. I'm confident it will work because I will be far more comfortable using it nowadays.
timber1981;647916 said:

I ended up ordering some new spare parts for my old phallosan. when I was at my largest size, it was a difficult task getting jammed into the large size suction head, and I quit trying to use it and lost several of the parts that I need for it to work properly.

I'll wear that every night after work and eventually build up to 5-6 hours and see how that progresses. I'm confident it will work because I will be far more comfortable using it nowadays.

That is awesome that you got new parts for your old unit, that is going to be an awesome facelift on your Phallosan. Many guys are not only using throughout the day but also all night as they sleep. It is quickly becoming the must have tool for PE. Let me know how things go when it comes in.
Hey DLD, you have any connections to getting the service dept to respond to emails at phallosan?

One of the tension rods on my unit came apart and they haven't responded to any of the 6 emails I have sent to both emails they have listed.

I'll pay for the part but it's pissing me off that they don't respond to their customers.
timber1981;651884 said:
Hey DLD, you have any connections to getting the service dept to respond to emails at phallosan?

One of the tension rods on my unit came apart and they haven't responded to any of the 6 emails I have sent to both emails they have listed.

I'll pay for the part but it's pissing me off that they don't respond to their customers.
its true my pump of phallosan broke. Never responses to my mails. Finally fixed my pump with glue. But I know won't last long.
timber1981;651884 said:
Hey DLD, you have any connections to getting the service dept to respond to emails at phallosan? One of the tension rods on my unit came apart and they haven't responded to any of the 6 emails I have sent to both emails they have listed.I'll pay for the part but it's pissing me off that they don't respond to their customers.
I will send this message to LIGHTNING who will forward it to them directly.
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