I will answer any question anyone has on any issue surrounding AB....Fear not, ask away. I can only be truthful with you and hope you gain what I have.
Good, so at least the door is open for many minds across the board. Max makes good points with the dark matter. I will bring to the table a very extensive knowledge base and experience of the universe that many never will have the chance to experience ... stories that you would not believe because they sound so amazing.

Yes I think the part about god is essentially 'IT' is everywhere, the power source is a better way to describe it and essentially us as human beings over time have had our own gods etc which have been likely very powerful beings, people, entities in there own right and had a special connection to the power source. Some can see this as made up gods but they become THOUGHT FORMS which in time when said over and over, given power to via this will become living things and created ... so if a certain person never existed and yet millions across the globe believed in the story, pray, do rituals etc then it gives power to this through the various layers or the planes that outline, cross and cover our plane of the flesh which brings energy to this so in the end it actually gives life to it.

Negative thought forms are EVERYWHERE which is partly why the world is in chaos with war and arguing because people are thinking negative all the time, very nasty things which go out into the cosmos through and into the planes like the astral plane and end up gathering force into something powerful which in time makes changes in the worlds of flesh. This is something many in the occult know about and use to change things in this world.
REDZULU2003;476185 said:
Good, so at least the door is open for many minds across the board. Max makes good points with the dark matter. I will bring to the table a very extensive knowledge base and experience of the universe that many never will have the chance to experience ... stories that you would not believe because they sound so amazing.

Yes I think the part about god is essentially 'IT' is everywhere, the power source is a better way to describe it and essentially us as human beings over time have had our own gods etc which have been likely very powerful beings, people, entities in there own right and had a special connection to the power source. Some can see this as made up gods but they become THOUGHT FORMS which in time when said over and over, given power to via this will become living things and created ... so if a certain person never existed and yet millions across the globe believed in the story, pray, do rituals etc then it gives power to this through the various layers or the planes that outline, cross and cover our plane of the flesh which brings energy to this so in the end it actually gives life to it.

Negative thought forms are EVERYWHERE which is partly why the world is in chaos with war and arguing because people are thinking negative all the time, very nasty things which go out into the cosmos through and into the planes like the astral plane and end up gathering force into something powerful which in time makes changes in the worlds of flesh. This is something many in the occult know about and use to change things in this world.

Red, Our beliefs have run consistent and we have been together even though we have never met. We understand and use the powers of creation in many areas that have little to do with what we have learned on MOS. Since, with Penis Enlargement, we have played with the impossible and made it possible it opened many other areas of curiosity, exploration and invention that many thought not possible. Today we share in the spoils of these creations and the secrets we have found to make these miracles possible needs to be shared. With that said I fear many will shrug off what AB has to offer due to previous prejudices they have learned over their lives. I pray everyday that the fellowship grows to massive levels and many take part in these mysteries and receive of these gifts.

The table will be set and those who choose to eat will change their lives exponentially. God is what this whole reality is about, believe it or not. What God is becomes very personal to each person and that makes little difference if the intension of the individual is to become a better human. I have met so many people of many religions, occults, atheist, etc. and in every case there are good and bad, just and unjust, positive and negative, it is of very little difference how they get there as long as they do. I choose to surround myself with like-minded individuals who work for a common good of the all. The AB project is my contribution to this plight, the people who are helping me build it are from every walk of life but we are all honorable, honest and hard working. Pay is modest but the dream is full of wealth. Our future is bright and all members will share in this to the capacity they desire. This is an eternal project of hope and desire. Although we are small in numbers we are strong in faith and our dream is becoming! As I see AB grow I meet more and more people interested in becoming a part of it. I wish every interested member could come by the site and see the creation as it happens...It is AMAZING!

+ ALPHA✡BLADE +, the beginnings of hope! I look forward to the opening of the public BLOG and the involvement of those who choose to take part. No matter where you live you can be a part. + ALPHA✡BLADE + is more of a religion on steroids:) The BLOG will contain the first books of what I have collected in writings. I hope not to disappoint anyone who has hope! Coveting these things is wrong and those who are ready SHOULD know.

Red, I love you and if I had to name anyone my lifelong friend and believer I would have to say it is you. From the beginning you have been there and you always knew it was about something much more powerful than what we have posted publicly. It is our responsibility to share what we know, it has benefitted us for a decade, it is time to enlarge the minds of others!:)

Love and safe travels!

Exactly Mike, you word it perfectly. I'm the type of person who will never shun or ignore someone because of the religion they practice or if they practice black magic for example. This is something why the world is very twisted and much hatred > Niavity, lack of understanding and no sense of tolerance to others beliefs or practices. I'm in a United Kingdom that has over many years lived quite well with many religions and thoughts but since sometime around or before 9/11 much has took place which incl allot of Muslim bashing! I do not like this and not all Muslims are bad, many are very nice people. I accept them as people and do not see them as others, aliens or just as muslims ... people like me, you and anyone else no matter the faith.

Its the extremist pieces of shit that try to cloak themselves in religion, hiding behind its doctrine and as such cloud the minds of many more vulnerable people often young males who then take the pledge thinking they are indeed doing what is to them right. What these extremist monsters are doing is effectively preaching hatred on many street corners around the world incl the UK. I will NEVER forget on rememberance day 2011 in London which is the 11th November at 11am we pay minutes respect for all those ALL those who have fallen in all wars for us and others. Its especially for the World wars and on 2011 in the silence you could the radical evil preaching filth of some extremeist twat in the distance over a loud speaker that all of the British soldiers were murdering bastards and that 9/11 was a wonderful day blah blah fucking blah and the Police were around but could do nothing as this in the UK is classed as a peaceful demonstration would you believe! Its actually inciting hatred and later on rightfully so this group of cock suckers was banned ... they claim to be muslims, claim to be men and women of Islam and want to spread the word of this to the UK and convert it into Shariah law ... this will never happen, the people of the UK are free seculiar and tbh we have no actual religion apart from the Church Of England but its not like Spain where it is a Cathoilic country as in the UK you can be whatever you desire to be.

So what does this have to do with AB? well on that day I cried and I was angry. I could have easily killed these pieces of dog turd but this is what they want ... this is the battle free minds face as you become more tolerant and curtious it seems to natrually attract more filthy pieces of shiet like a moth to the flames and alas we must be much stronger which leads me onto the fact in that AB is a mixture and you Mike are very undertsanding, open minded and tolerant like myself. I accept anyone and have no axe to grind with anyone, types or genders but those who deliberatly go out hiding behind a mask to cause trouble for there own ends is something I deeply despise ... cowards is a better word for them.

AB is something that is a gathering of minds across the spectrum and will help oneanother no matter what when the call arrives. I would expect guidelines to be written up for all members, strict guidelines i.e not talking abouit what goes on to outsiders, the senior in command has the final say or whatever else. I know as I'm in a cabal myself and as such take the pledge very serious indeed.

Its no coincidence either that mankind has come so far in the past 100 years to what it was the previous 500 years and the dawn of the age to Aquarius comes near looming. No end of the world, but a change in the cosmic energy which if heeded will bring peace to this Earth. We are entering a phase which is ample for bringing peace as the tides of change cross over us all.
Here are some photos of the AlphaBlade home and offices. I have a lot more and videos to post which I will do on Sunday. AB will be having a BBQ on Saturday so I will film this and post so you can get to know a few of the key players in the project in the real world. I wish all of my friends could be here with me for the party, my hearts are with my on-line brothers!
MAXAMEYES;476500 said:
If you ever get a chance, you might want to check out some of the funding/rehab resources you can find here:




I'm usin' a few of these to look for investment properties.
If you choose to too, good luck!

Since AlphaBlade has it's own EIN number, tax-free status! With my previous priest/minister status I was able to get approval. Using this status to our full ability will be EXTREMELY fruitful. I really appreciate the links as I am new to this status and I want to have AB benefit to it's full extent. We are officially have the ability to be a Synagogue, Church or Temple:) My dream is to have these homes all over the country, they work and they keep people working! I am very proud of the efforts of you, my supporters and the workers who are selflessly giving to this project...it is becoming real!
Hey DLD!! Since you are taking AB and MOS to a new horizon maybe you should encompass these kind of methods( http://www.power4home.com/MakeElectricity.php?hop=europe11 http://www.johnsonmotor.org/?hop=wspromote) into your facilities as a way of liberating AB from control of the government. It can actually help free up extra funds so that they can be used for more creative endeavors. Imagine AB and MOS actually using these methods and not being bound by energy consumption and paying for it. If you use these methods enough, you can actually start to get checks from the power company. Plus judging by your Range Rover, you would love these methods when the world goes to hell LOL. Check them out and let me know what you think.
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Very interesting! I am a Believer in Christ and like to see how you're out to help so many! Just curious, how do you justify the �naked people movies� links? I'm not judging, just wondering. Awesome work!
bigdaddyhoho;476699 said:
Very interesting! I am a Believer in Christ and like to see how you're out to help so many! Just curious, how do you justify the �naked people movies� links? I'm not judging, just wondering. Awesome work!

�naked people movies� is fine if I am not the one participating:) Sin, in my opinion, originates from action, not the thought. I believe the imagination should be open to all thought and the "living out" of thought experiment, to fulfill all parts of the human experience. God would not have us be ashamed of our penis more than he would our ears. As a matter of fact, AlphaBlade believes in including the penis in many parts of the total life experience. It was the inclusion of my penis that led me to the God I worship, for that alone I love my penis and everything is does. I look for a new way of living Genesis than I do any kind of Revelation. In my Garden nudity is one with beauty!
Today happened by the good graces of the Lord! Sunshine and hungry workers. I usually refrain from any work on the Lord's day but today seems more like a privilege to work on the AlphaBlade Project. New kitchen going in today:)
sunsets from the future views! Very cool!
karmi;477221 said:
any news dld on the 3 devices?

Yes, I spoke with our affiliate last night and 2 devices will be ready very soon. I have been very busy with building and court the last bit that my mind has not been 100%. After court tomorrow and some of the last touches on my living quarters and I will be feeling much better. I am praying for a more free experience in my daily affairs, I am hoping for some relief over the next few days. ALPHA✡BLADE is on schedule and I will have some updated pictures soon. Thanks for everyones undying patience.
Some very good news to report! All charges against me have been dropped! This was an expensive victory but it is a VICTORY. Thanks to GOD and those who prayed for me, pulled for me, to everyone who was in my corner...I am free:) I am now free to continue working on the AlphaBlade project full force! I still don't think it has hit me yet but it will! I am very tired and have been stressed because of the case, now that it is gone the weight is off my shoulders. Will have a lot to report soon.
Awesome news man. Really happy for you! I know that having a heavy burden removed will make this journey much lighter for you in many, many ways.
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