Haursen's "Convince Me" Thread


Well-known member
Jun 13, 2017
Hey Sizers,

I thought this will be a great way to discuss ideas about PE and training in general. Every week, I will post a new convince me picture and we will discuss it and we will see if there is enough evidence to convince. :)

This Week's Picture for August 18th, 2019:

Zack (Longstretch) is a strong proponent of rest days and extended deconditioning breaks, and it makes sense to allow the body time to heal. In the 5+ years of doing PE, my 'breaks' were usually lifestyle induced, i.e. vacation, family/friends staying at my house, etc. so the longest I've been away from my pump would be 10 days. I do visit my girl 2-3 times per month and that would give my d!ck a 3-4 day rest from PE (and also give me a chance to reap the fruits of my labor :)), so in essence, there are consecutive rest days.
Excellent idea for a thread!

Soft Tissue Repair

Decon breaks are something I always resisted till the past couple years. Experience and more importantly results have made me a believer. If you haven't taken a break in the past few months you more than likely need one. At some point your PE endeavors are going to cause trauma and at some point your penis is going to need repair and perform any necessary remodeling without leading to toughening or fibrotic changes. Fibroblast will start releasing fibrin when we stress our penis'. Over time it gets better and better at resisting what we are throwing at it and these fibrin strands can become quite thick (microscopically), stiff, and able to pull a train without elongation. So yes to make continuous and easier gains decon breaks are much needed. How much time is dependent on different factors but it had been engrained in my mind they need to be built into a routine. Decon allows those thick strands to be trimmed away and if frequent enough prevents them from getting so thick in the first place, i.e. less resistance to the forces we subject our penis to i.e. easier sustained growth.

Excellent idea for a thread!

Soft Tissue Repair

Decon breaks are something I always resisted till the past couple years. Experience and more importantly results have made me a believer. If you haven't taken a break in the past few months you more than likely need one. At some point your PE endeavors are going to cause trauma and at some point your penis is going to need repair and perform any necessary remodeling without leading to toughening or fibrotic changes. Fibroblast will start releasing fibrin when we stress our penis'. Over time it gets better and better at resisting what we are throwing at it and these fibrin strands can become quite thick (microscopically), stiff, and able to pull a train without elongation. So yes to make continuous and easier gains decon breaks are much needed. How much time is dependent on different factors but it had been engrained in my mind they need to be built into a routine. Decon allows those thick strands to be trimmed away and if frequent enough prevents them from getting so thick in the first place, i.e. less resistance to the forces we subject our penis to i.e. easier sustained growth.

@DLD what is your take? You did not have any rest days and were able to unlock growth still. Why do you think this is? Has other members you know had no days off and still made great gains?
I can answer to that. Basically genetics. There are 2 layers to tunica albuginea, one longitudinal layer and one circumferential. Now each layer is 1 to 3 cellular layers deep. Some people that have these thinner layers are obvious able to make easier progress than those with thicker layers. Genetically gifted can only get you so far and most people wouldn't be gifted with DLD's genetics nor tenacity. Decons however is something that at the fundamental biological level will work for everyone especially if stalled.

So there will be outliers in every variable. The key is to look at what works for most and even look at works for the "hard gainers".
I can answer to that. Basically genetics. There are 2 layers to tunica albuginea, one longitudinal layer and one circumferential. Now each layer is 1 to 3 cellular layers deep. Some people that have these thinner layers are obvious able to make easier progress than those with thicker layers. Genetically gifted can only get you so far and most people wouldn't be gifted with DLD's genetics nor tenacity. Decons however is something that at the fundamental biological level will work for everyone especially if stalled.

So there will be outliers in every variable. The key is to look at what works for most and even look at works for the "hard gainers".

I question the whole "genetics" reason especially knowing the information shared from Bruce Lipton and the "Biology of Belief." Have you ever read the book or watch the video?

Addendum: I added the video below...

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No but reading the synopsis I'd say it's bullshit, no offense. The mind is a powerful thing and the psychosomatic connection is very real, however the mind cannot rewrite DNA. I can link to other scientific criticisms of his work if you'd like but I can tell you it wouldn't be something I'd waste my time on.
No but reading the synopsis I'd say it's bullshit, no offense. The mind is a powerful thing and the psychosomatic connection is very real, however the mind cannot rewrite DNA. I can link to other scientific criticisms of his work if you'd like but I can tell you it wouldn't be something I'd waste my time on.

Feel free to include the links for others here (including myself) who want to read the critiques and weigh the evidence on both sides. :)

PE is almost wholly anecdotal, so any/all information/experience only adds to the body of knowledge...so thank you Mike, Longstretch, Haursen and every other contributing member/participant.
I'm curious if there's any quantitative info regarding the duration of decon breaks in relation to the time/intensity of the exercise/force...i.e. if your routine is aggressive/daily, how many days/hours of decon would be needed to repair? If the routine was moderate? Genetics definitely play a role, but there should be some sort of 'general rule' that, collectively we should be able to answer
I'm curious if there's any quantitative info regarding the duration of decon breaks in relation to the time/intensity of the exercise/force...i.e. if your routine is aggressive/daily, how many days/hours of decon would be needed to repair? If the routine was moderate? Genetics definitely play a role, but there should be some sort of 'general rule' that, collectively we should be able to answer

My pleasure, Biggie!

Great question...I'm wondering if I go all out for a training session and do a one day rest then keep the same 1 on, 1 off would this suffice for healing and growth?

I am thinking sleep is a huge factor in the healing process which, by God's grace, I am starting to improve on. I am also using more moist heat on healing (rest) days too.
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Breaks are horrible didn't exercise my dick yesterday but I will today.....I have a bunch of things in mind, no privacy, etc so I have to go through to all that to get myself a new me!I NEED IT ASAP!!
I'm curious if there's any quantitative info regarding the duration of decon breaks in relation to the time/intensity of the exercise/force...i.e. if your routine is aggressive/daily, how many days/hours of decon would be needed to repair? If the routine was moderate? Genetics definitely play a role, but there should be some sort of 'general rule' that, collectively we should be able to answer
Good news and bad news. Until we can start having penis enlargement studies complete with biopsies and tissue histology we will have little more than anecdotal evidence. We can however make inferences based on other studies of wound healing, collagen remodeling, tissue elongation, etc, etc. That coupled with anecdotal evidence can pave the way for more experiments on these boards.

Combing through data on the boards and in my own PE career I have noticed some things and really I am not the first. Taking into account that remodeling phase can take months if not upwards of a year to complete we can assume that decon breaks need to be long. Me and others have noticed improved rate of gains when these decon breaks are between 1 to 3 months and even longer. Taking a week or two off is a drop in the bucket and will not relate to easier gains when restarting though might be a nice psychological break. Believe me that's first thing I tried too.

The longer and more intensely one has been performing continuous PE usually the longer the break needed generally. I tend to look at micro and macro cycles. Again not my idea but works. Hence my 1 day on a few days off for micro. 2 on, 2 off or 5 on and 2 off (etc, etc) have worked for others. It's not set in stone. Then there is macro cycle. In me and others it has been noted gains come rapidly first 2 to 4 week's, then slow down. With adjustments in intensity and time under tension it is possible to push this out to maybe around 2-3 months. This all is dependent on what you are currently doing is enough to generate a growth response, not so much too generate a stiffening reaction or injury, and not too little to be not doing much good. Too much science to go over here but take away is there is a thing as too much and of course too little.

So in regards to decon breaks there are some variables. I do recommend them for 1-3 months long every 1-3 months depending on routine. Those that deploy them in their routine effectively tend to make sustainable gains, especially when starting back. These are the cheap and easy gains I speak of. You can keep chasing gains using more hardcore techniques, making less gains, making NECESSARY decon longer and future gains harder.... or you can take some time off, let the body do its thing and come back for some cheap and easy (or easier) gains.

Intensity, time, techniques and heat while under a tensile load must be in the right amount and adjustments made as needed. I've mentioned this and could be wrong so far it stands but I've been tracking BPSFL strain rates and when it slowed down this last campaign despite increasing time and load I knew it was time for a break.

I don't think my current paradigm is the best and could probably use tweaks. But guys I've been in the game for 15 years and after taking around 20 months off and changing my routine to match data have made a 0.5 inch BPEL gain in a little over a month!!! Now half of that might have been reclaiming lost gains but it still stands and I think I'm close to the Holy Grail. Time will tell and I look forward to my next campaign for new gains and the data I'll track.
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Don't mean to come across as any kind of guru. I don't have all the answers and usually ask more questions than I answer during research. I'm just excited and I think most in my shoes would be too.
That man Bruce Lipton hes got very interesting things to like how to heal our bodies Whit no meds n shit ....quite surreal stuff
I have been doing this for ten+ years too trial n error,not getting the size I want tough, taking long breaks could be counterproductive IMHO,but at the same time as you mentioned before,we look for harder techniques to get bigger faster
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