You don't even need to. I call a truce. I wanted to call one before I ever posted in this thread - believe me.

Hey now, no need to call a truce - we're just talking here, aren't we?

Yes, sometimes I totally ignore proper sentence structure, use a lot of run-ons and parentheticals etc in haste a free flow and it can make it difficult to read. My bad. I don't really give a shit, but maybe I should.

Well, for a person that takes pretty serious offense to not being understood properly, I'd just think that it's in your own best interest to try and be as easy to understand as possible. That way you avoid these terribly frustrating encounters with guys like me . . .

I'm baffled by your claim that you think using normal quotations is easier to follow than "coded quotes". To each his own.

I always just thought it was easier to take a post written as a solid format, similar to an article. I don't really write in the mindset of dividing my points or ideas, I just include the quotes as a point of refernce when responding to avoid being totally archane with my comments. It doesn't distract in other form of media I consume, so I suppose I never thought it was necessary for an internet forum I see where you're coming from though, hence the quoting from now on.

This is all I was going to read and reply to for now, maybe forever. However, when quoting your post and scrolling down to delete the mass of it, I read the last paragraph as well.

For this, I'd just like to say that once again, as a person that takes fairly serious offense at not being read properly, don't you find it just a little bit interesting that you're so eager to tell me that you were planning on completly ignoring the bulk of my comments but then comment profusly?

It is of course your complete right to do so, but honestly, you wouldn't take offense at, say, me stating that "well, I had planned on just ignoring whatever you had to say because it's not worth the trouble, but then there's this . . . " Trust me, my feelings aren't hurt, but don't scold a guy for not grasping your 'complexity' when you're up front with the fact that you don't feel you can even really be bothered with my replies in the first place. Technically I shouldn't feel guilty about not understanding your comments or not properly following any of your numerous orders since you've basically let me know you barely took a moment with what I wrote.

You can't "win" with that

Indeed, 'win' is properly in quotes. I hope you're not taking this as a win/lose enterprise. So far as I'm concerned the only way to win here is to properly understand and appreciate one another's perspective.

I was not the originator in this case, however, but I don't really give a shit. I knew you'd actually say this and I can't really blame you for it. I'm not going to spend more time lashing out at you about how it's a cheap shot, it was just obvious you'd say it.

I must beg to differ here. I was happily under the impression that a few of us were just spouting off about Ron Paul, editorial jurisdiction in the media, and the value of civic engagement, when you changed the tone and addressed my posting on a much different level. You percieved some slights coming from me and addressed them on the forum - maybe I'm misinterpreting what you mean by originator in this case, and if so ignore the above, but I'd say you're fairly obviously the 'orginator.'

(forgive me if you took ownership for some things I have not read)

All is always forgiven, but don't blame me if I gloss anything over or ASS-U-ME some points, as you've already made it clear that you had no intention of reading what I replied, despite your numerous responses. You can't get pissed if can't accurately figure out what you've read and haven't read.

I think the discussion is more effective elsewhere

Again with the effectiveness? I'll comment on this more further along as I noticed that you mention it again in a later post, but what gives? How is an exchange between you and me, which is largely about how you don't like the way in which I take your posts, more effective elsewhere? You keep alluding to this idea that nothing said here is worthwhile. If that's truly your opinion, then I stronngly suggest you don't trouble yourself with it. Otherwise, I'll go on record as saying this place is as effective as any other for you to explain your problems with my commentary.

like you thought polarized sides of the same coin was oxymornic

Not oxymoronic, just an inaccurate description. The parties can't be hamperingly polarized into uselessness yet so ideologically similar as to be worthless in choosing between. To even state that each party is exactly one dead-set system of values is wrong - each represents an array of different views and neither strictly enforces policy on their members. They're organizational tools that must carry a "big tent" approach due to the characteristics of our democracy. You like Ron Paul's politics, and he's a Republican candidate, yet far from the party norm. Essentially, the 'two sides of the same coin' thing is a very, very simplified way of dismissing the party system as it stands.

The point is, I never wanted this back and forth and I don't wish to continue it

Wait just a second - you can't have reasonably expected to take me to task for all my "bullshit," including my "labeling," "framing," and "spewing" of opinions, and not have expected a mega-loqacous guy like myself to respond. Two to tango and all that. I'm not going to take the blame on this one - you may not have wanted it, but I can't feel too sorry for you for not anticipating that I'd reply to your comments then you making the choice to continue replying.

but in hopes that there would be more positive things

You're an optomist eh? Please don't count on me for any positive things, too much pressure. Is that really why you were skimming? Better than totalling ignoring I suppose, which was the original intention.

You assumed that I was intending to be "coy".

It seems I was wrong, and so I do apologize. I may have been projecting my own sensibilities when I took your dozen or so apologies for my lack of comprehension as a means of pointing out my general thickness of skull. To be honest, I still get an inkling of that impression after having another look at the post, but believe when you say that's not the case. I have clearly perpetrated one of my legenday ASS-U-ME moments.

The reality was, you simply didn't understand a lot of what I said and you even admitted it by saying "I don't understand a lot of what you've said".

I meant the above refernced comment much more in the figurative sense, as in I didn't understand your motives our source of outrage. Once again, a prime example of talking right past each other. I thought it was pretty clear in its context, but I see not that you're a pretty literal person and took it to mean that I really couldn't comprehend the several paragraphs you had written. I'll take care not to mislead you in the future. For the record, I'm pretty sure I got your gist, for the most part, at least partially, more or less.

you give me a shitload to be angered with

I won't tell you what to do, but I will 'suggest' that getting mad over this probably isn't worth the blood pressure.

Damnit man. Take this into serious consideration because it is problematic and you are doing it over and over and over.

Problematic for you . . . interesting for me, who knows for anybody else. Not with a wink, but I don't seem to have this deeply ingrained communicational handicap with anybody else.

Thus, I am disturbed that you would even take something that I said to diffuse this trivial crap and take responsibility for some of the root cause, and turn it into another assumption where you put words/thoughts/attidude in my mouth/assign these traits to me that are not at all what I said or meant .... and YOU come off, genuinely have the effect of, somebody who is actually looking to start an argument and taking everything as a challenge (which doesn't surprise me when you say this is "fun", though I kinda hope I know what you meant) ..... which shows more reason to call you a hypocrite and delusional when you say those things of me when I'm just trying to stop this shit.

I'm just including this as a prime example of what I mean when I say some of your comments are very difficult to follow. This statement is heavy on accusations, heavy on references, heavy on topic shifts, but very light on coherence. I'm doing my best, but really, how should I respond, internally or written, to this sort of comment?

To me, that's a more 'verbose' smattering of words and ideas than fifty clearly phrased and organized paragraphs. I'm generally not a very ordered person, but that passage runs the threshhold of chaos.

Humbly speaking ... the thing with text online is, you really need to acknowledge that if somebody didn't say something specifically then they likely did not mean it.

Well then, I'll have to extend my own demands this time around and ask that you follow your own rules. For example, if a person were to, oh, I don't know, never specifically call another person a conspiracy theorist, and yet find themselves bitterly acosted for "labeling" and "framing" somebody else as a "kooky" conspiracy advocate, I would expect that the upset party in question would recognize thay they were seriously overreacting to comments that weren't even directed towards them. Just a thought.

As we've been over, I casually used the second-person plural ("you guys" being my gentrified version of y'all I guess) when addressing Reber's use of a link, which contained the word 'conspiracy' in it. Never were you called a conspiracy theorist nor did I intentionally attempt to associate your opinions about Ron Paul with an organized conspiracy. Hey, they're your rules.

Interstingly, the first time I encounted your on this forum was in the thread of PhillipK's gains where you were assuming something about err in his posts when you were actually in err

As I recall, and my recall is poor but we can always look it up, my error in that case was that I suck at math and incorrectly translated the metric and royal measurements by trying to compare them from the stats he listed. That was a math mistake, not reading comprehension, and I gladly apologized for my screw-up when it was pointed out.

Suggesting that this is indicative of some larger problem with my ability to understand others is pretty sili. It's similar to my auto insurance company refusing to cover for an accident because they happen to know that I once ran over a flagstone in my yard while mowing the grass and screwed up the blade on my John Deer, thus demonstrating that I have a crappy record operating motor vehicles. The incidents are only very superficially connected and don't properly inform on one another.

I am, however, flattered that you remembered my post.

Humbly speaking, in attempt to explain that my own words mean what I said and nothing more, and in attempt to help all of us converse with you, all data that I have shows this is something you need to realize and correct because you do it over and over and over again.

Data? Huh?

Geez guy, are you building a RICO case against me here or something? I'll leave it up to anybody that happens accross this mess to decide whether I have some chronic problem with being able to understand the intentions of others (in psychological circles they call this autism).

But, let's not pretend that you pointing out your anger over the content of my posts is some kind of public service for me or my potential conversants better get along. As I mentioned, you're about the only guy that seems to have a profound difficulty with my communication skills. Well, you and my girlfriend, but with her it's intentional.

I regret that more of this type of, excuse me - BULLSHIT, is in the rest of your last post. I will further try to not respond to it

Ha, Didn't try very hard I see . . . sorry, too rich to resist. If I'm bullshit, then man, you're just a hungry fly.

but you are niave if you think that all of them are " *all* good" and surely that comment of mine was a bit humorous and referencing the obvious fact that politicians, in general, and in such cases, are often associated with bullshitters, con artists etc

Ah-Ha! Total lack of close reading or true understanding of my comment, and posibly a bigtime ASS-U-ME statement. I am pissed dude dammit!

As always, kidding, but that's not what I said. Do you really think that I would call Tom Delay a good and honest person. Listen, I may be a little dense and a serial assumer, but I did a pretty good stretch around Washinton, and I promise that sucks all the glorious naivety right out of a person. I said most politicians are very good and decent people, not all. Thinking that all politicians are good would be naive, but that's not what I said.

Now, during my brief jaunt around the lobbying world, I was nicely compensated to love politicians no matter what their personal character and professional habits were, which may have caused some residiual confusion, but I'm pretty sure that a decade of direct exposure to federal politics didn't leave me in a completely misinformed state of mind. I guess it would be either playing my hand or once again flexing my ego to say that members of my family are also in politics and that I grew up around some federal politicans and high level political workers, but then again I could also be letting you know that I've had more exposure to these people than web forums and cable news.

I would reluctantly suggest that a person believing that Ron Paul getting to debate the other candidates on national TV will somehow seriously change the political values of the country is a tad bit naive, but that would be getting back to the original thread topic, which is dead and gone at this point.

plenty of them actually do fit those associations

I'm an apologist. The nature of elective politics in this country necessitates bullshit. The greeks did it too, and they invented this stuff. Palm-greasing, flip-flopping, and log-rolling are just facts of life in elective government.

let's just LET IT GO. PLEASE

Mm, you didn't let it go before I even had a chance to let it go, so I don't feel bad in not letting it go either, since you didn't and it was your thing to begin with, er, wait . . . nevermind.

You keep on assuming I have all these underlying meanings in my posts instead of just actually reading and responding to the literal meaning of what I wrote. GOD DAMN THAT BULLSHIT IS FRUSTRATING!!!

Sorry. Try to empathize - when you live in a world built on assumptions it's easy read too much into statements.

You have charged yourself with your consistant examples of assuming

I guess all my little stabs at sarcastic humor were lost on the audience, or this was a case where you didn't read the post (by your own admission). To be brief, I acknowledged most of your protests against assumption in a pretty flippant way, meaning that while I do understand your grievance, I don't agree with its validity. Judging by your posts, you feel that damn near every word I write is predicated by a serious and patently false assumption. I may be wrong on many counts, but not everything I have said or offered an opinion on has been built around a flase assumption. That's just a very easy way to dismiss any of my rebuttals or points without actually addressing them. Sheesh.

which further charges yourself with being the one actually wanting to argue

I'm not sure I'd classify this as an argument so much as a good old-fashioned bitchfest, on either side. I feel like an argument has a specific topic, where as this seems to be me defending against the multiplicity of problems you have with my posts.

And so far as wanting to argue, let's have a look at that. I reply with my comments, hence a willingness to procede in the conversation (argument, as you like it), and yet you do the same, also indicating your willingness to participate. Unless you can prove to me that somebody has a gun yo your head and is forcing you to read this stuff and respond, you're just as much in the fray as I am.

I'd love to be able to take all the blame for your actions, but I'm really trying to get into the whole Ron Paul/libertarian/personal respsonbility frame of mind, so I can't offer up my services today, with regrets.

By the way, if somebody really does have a fun to your head, just type an asteriks and I'll send for help . . .

I hope I did not just completely waste more of my time and that you accept and retain some or all of this in a positive manner.

Not at all. Like I said before, this doesn't bother me in the slightest. I'm not terribly closer to figuring out exactly why you're so pissed about, although I'm quite sure it involves assumptions, not taking you literally, 'erring' on numerous accounts, writing way too much, and several other related issues. I do seem to have been acquitted of character assasinating and framing though, which is a very positive development.

I'm a happy guy without this. The pain I feel is FOR YOU

Uh, thanks.

GOD DAMNIT. I cannot believe that you wrote all this shit again. You took two things I said in posts PRIOR to the one you should have been replying to if you wanted progression, and you quoted those previous quotes of mine that you had ALREADY replied to

I was just using them to demonstrate a point and to try and place my comments in context, since your complaints ran all the way back to my very first posting. Now you're just getting mad about crazy stuff . . . and also, you mentioned my comments from a different thread entirely. Pot and kettle my friend . . . And really, we're free-thinking men, let's not constrict our ideas of progression to simple linear allignment. For shame.

by rerplying in the SAME DAMNED WAY YOU REPLIED BEFORE. WHAT THE FUCK?!?!? Should I just go back to beginning of the thread and say the same shit I already said in reply to quoting your previous posts ... or should I reply to your latest!?!?!?!? Of course I should do the latter ... and you should too!

Man, I like you, but I couldn't decide whether to consider this comment 'batshit crazy' or 'bugfuck crazy.' In the end, I thought I should just say something nice, and so, it sure doesn't lack for extravagent and nicely alternated punctuation. That's a compliment, so you can't accuse me of 'framing.'


Um, remember what I've been saying about being a little hard to follow? I will say though, you telegraph anger from the written word in a pretty effective manner. It's like I'm posting back and forth with Sam Kinison.

This reminds me of a William Burroughs book. There are revolving themes and repeated motifs, but in a totally random and intentionally disorienting presentation. Too much loquaciousness (you can still say verbose - I like loquacious but it wouldn't hurt to change it up a little every now and then), quoting of older posts, continual and astounding frequency of errors, more assumptions, compounding of these problems, by, uhh, compounding them - really, I think we'd be better off with you just giving me an itemized list. You can leave the caps lock off for that.

THIS is some of the nauseating exhaustion/redundancy from you!!!
You were doing it before and YOU'RE STILL DOING IT.

I guess you missed my jokes about nausea and redundancy in the post - they playful humor was supposed to defuse your impending volcanic anger at the post and cause you take a step back before seriously considering the content. PenilePersist, how I have failed you.

HERE is what I said in the reply you SHOULD have been replying to since you had not replied to it PREVIOUSLY.

Damn you're a bossy guy. I have nothing to mention about this except to say that your insisted chronological sequencing is taking on Kurt Vonnegut levels of sophistication. I'm taking it as surreal, avante garde humor. I get it, really, I think.

My point is still accurate - this is HUGELY marginal. NOBODY REALLY GIVES A SHIT ABOUT THIS DISCUSSION ... except maybe the people posting in it

Ah, now here's something substantive.

You missed my entire purpose from the very beginning. Firstly, I understand that you understand democratic theory and the inherent value of any political discourse.

What you have entirely missed, was that my point in explaining why it's valuable was simply my way of stating that I didn't care that the conversation was marginal, didn't effect anybody, didn't make a difference, didn't have a proper forum, and that nobody gives a shit.

The point you failed to take in, despite my restatements, was that I found value in the conversation, and that, of course, as you say you understand, any political discussion is worthwhile as the interaction of individuals is the building block of a civic culture. Hence, our little discussion, held value and I found it useful in this sense.

The point that I repeated, that has so profoundly enraged you, was meant to counter your point that it was marginal and non-important. Democratic theory states otherwise. If nobody has these conversations, there is no civic culture.

I hate to break it to you, but you inability to take my comments as a my reply to your insistence that it was somehow 'a waste of time' to even discuss the issue, is what facilitated your anger and frustration this entire time. Even now you seem to fail to connect that I repeated my belief in the value of insignificant conversation only in reaction to your repeatedly stating that it was not worthwhile because of the forum and that it wasn't really worth participating in. The only difference is that I wasn't very, very upset by your failure to grasp my meaning.

AND, some people in this thread aren't even citizens of the USA and not registered voters to vote for people like Ron Paul so it is even MORE insignificant!!!!

See above. Just because Reber can't vote for Ron Paul, a discussion of media politics and libertarian values is useless? Talking about Ron Paul is only usefull if it chaulks up to votes for the guy? Okaaay . . . Of course it's insignificant in the grand scheme, but guess what? If nobody has 'insignificant' conversations about politics, then there is no such thing as democratic involvement and civic culture. Once again, you're adament about the fact that you get my point on this, but ya sure don't act like it.

I won't resort to the all caps 'shout' method, but try to follow: I don't care, and never did care, if us bullshitting about Ron Paul was an important converstaion that made a difference - I only defended it on the grounds that any conversation about matters of public interest has at least a theoretical value. You say you agree, yet you protest having the conversation in the first place on the grounds that it's not 'doing anything.' Bit of a contradiction I'd say.

However, people actually care about various forms of real media and the discussionand debates held therein, and more registered voters who are politicaly active in ways that would have effect from the media are interested . . .

More of the same. As I said - I take your points:

1. You understand the nature of civic culture
2. You contend that this does not alter your belief that it's a waste of time to discuss these issues on a small forum such as this because it does not have tangible political results

My point: This is a contradcition. Civic culture doesn't exist without the insignificant discussions and even a discussion that effects nothing serves a theoretical good - pretty simple eh? You never bothered to examine why I might have repeated myself, only grew very pissed that I had done so. Not really worth all the fuss was it? Well, I hope not anyway.

GET IT!!! That's not a question.

I'm starting to recall Full Metal Jacket with all the shouting and orders floating around here . . .

It's not that I don't like what you have to say. It's not that I don't like that you have the zeal to be so detailed and loquacious about this type of "fundamentally valuable" discussion.

Just to be a stickler, you have bitched me out for being loquacious.

If you made progressive points without all the assumption leading to mislabelling, misjudging etc etc etc then I would not complain at all at what you have to say or how much you say.

I see. Well, considering my last post in response to you, the one that prompted all your responses, was mainly just screwing around and having a laugh at some of you eccentricities, I fail to see how I committed these errors all over again, but I don't think I'm being snide when I say that you may be the only one that really understands exactly what is perturbing you so badly.

I do hope my mega-post will clear up some your lingering concerns or at least release some of your tension, although I don't have a great track record so far.

Just in the interests of disclosure, I did not write this all at once and I certainly apologize in advance if this continues to to cause you the mental stress that I'm detecting slight notes of in your posts. As always, my best, and don't take it to heart. I'll freely admit that I wrote a good chunk of this while sitting around waiting for a fax, so you can chaulk much of my flippancy up to annoyance at having to miss a few hours of sleep waiting from some yahoo to send me a document.
Damn that's a massive post, I disgust and impress myself at once.

There are some pretty hilarious typos as well, some of which are so weird I can make no apology. If anything is unclear, feel free to say so.
stridge said:
He got slammed by Giuliani on a foreign policy/security comment where Giuliani demanded he retract a statement that implied that US foreign policy had caused 9/11, not theocratic intolerence from the Muslicm world. It was pretty much the story of the evening and gathered the single largest applause from the audience (Jesus, only Fox would allow applause during a televised debate).

Interestingly, Paul still did very well in online polling post debate. I don't remember the exact numbers, but I believe he placed highly in Fox's own running poll. I'm sure the clips are up on youtube.

i have indeed seen that clip and a select few others. Giuliani is fucking retarded, a jumbo retard(no disrespect to retards) the 9/11 commision report plainly states that foriegn policy in the middle east breeds and fuels terrorism and loathing toward the US, as does the CIA, who spent a great deal of energy investigating this very point in case and they exclaim exactly the same... not to mention the countless other authorities across the political spectrum who mirror the same view.

3 post debate online poll victories and its still barely given the light of day. honestly, if this was anyone of the generic cronies would it be plastered on the major networks? course it fucking would!!!

can you really not see the trend here?

the talking heads appear, the avid adversaries, another news anchor cunt who reads from a heavily biased script, then they set about to overwhelm with the same ultra-negative buzz lines over and over and over, the same lambasting rhetoric, the same tactics deployed to nullify and discredit, the same misinformation, the same untruths, the same blatent lies or avoidance of the facts... its fucking mind-bending! this is what a giant chunk of what the public are fed? utter maddness!
you never see on terrestrial news in England what i see on the net from your news everyday... NEVER.

my rant... DONE! up yours ya fuckers!!!!!

keep pushing
the above is targeted at everyone and no one :)

i love everyone... even Britney.

keep pushing
I would argue that Ron is getting a decent amount of attention - especially considering the more fringe nature of a lot of his beliefs. He's not getting anymore snubbed than Mike Huckabee or Duncan Hunter, and they're arguably much more well known to begin with.

The thing is, this is very early in the season, and a good showing in these first few cable debates and internet buzz still just doesn't translate into major public interest, or at least enough for news editors to justify running a lot of stories about the guy.

Take Mitt Romney - he's considered a first tier candidate and the 3rd place man right now and gets loads of press - but only a small percentage of the general public is aware of him and even fewew know much of anything about him. He's known in Iowa and New Hampshire where he's been campaigning his ass off for the primaries, not so much anywhere else. The recognition for a guy like Ron Paul is even lower. There are nine candidates in the debates right now, it's easy get looked over even if he is generating a strong buzz on the net.

One big source of publicity for Ron Paul is one of your fellow countrymen, but a current resident of the US - superblogger Andrew Sullivan. He's been pumping up Paul on his blog, which is one of the most widely read in the country, for the last week and a half.

So far as Giuliani, I used to look for reasons to give the guy more credit, but he's pissed me off as of late. The slam on Ron Paul was pretty dirty pool. He broke the format and he knows as well as anybody that it was a cheap shot, but that was just a case of a more seasoned and aggressive debater taking advantage. I used to think that Giuliani was at least sensible and a nice throw-back Republican, now I have some doubts. Out of the GOP field I was most impressed that McCain was rock solid on the torture issue while all the other candidates (except Ron Paul, actually) scrambled to appease the audience and boast about how they'd flush human rights down the toilet if we elected them.

McCain has his faults, but the isn't afraid to say the unpopular thing when it comes down to the wire, which is probably a good quality for a president.
stridge said:
He got slammed by Giuliani on a foreign policy/security comment where Giuliani demanded he retract a statement that implied that US foreign policy had caused 9/11, not theocratic intolerence from the Muslicm world. It was pretty much the story of the evening and gathered the single largest applause from the audience (Jesus, only Fox would allow applause during a televised debate).

Interestingly, Paul still did very well in online polling post debate. I don't remember the exact numbers, but I believe he placed highly in Fox's own running poll. I'm sure the clips are up on youtube.

He KILLED in the online poll - AGAIN. Of course, such polls are not always very accurate and are not always a fair representation of the voting public.

Guliani has obviously been grandstanding on the whole 9/11 shit - while multiplying his wealth by getting paid to talk about how good of a job he did even though there are large groups of emergency workers that say Guliani sucked and he took part in rapidly removing evidence from Ground Zero (ooooo - call me a Paranoid Conspiracy Theorist now). He evokes 9/11 every single second he can - and that is all that he was trying to do with Ron Paul. He knows that too many of the viewers are still stupid enough to make it a popularity contest of who sways emotion the most - rather than who has the more sensible points. Obviously, Ron Paul was on target with why any foreign group would attack us. It's not because they are jealous or sickened by our own life in our own part of the world .... it is because they are pissed off about foreign policy effecting their every day life on the ground ... and they experience it and gather more intelligence on it than most people in the USA. :s

Now .... not at all surprised:

"The chairman of the Michigan Republican Party said Wednesday that he will try to bar Ron Paul from future GOP presidential debates because of remarks the Texas congressman made that suggested the Sept. 11 attacks were the fault of U.S. foreign policy," reports the Associated Press.

.... and you still don't think people like to try their best to shut Ron Paul up? They are just looking for an excuse because they know if he continues then he will start to sway more and more people with his logic opposed to emotion. It's obvious to anyone who has a clue - pardon me.

In response, Ron Paul supporter Dena Turner has launched an online petition to advocate Paul's participation in future debates and we urge you to sign it at Ron Paul RNC Participation Petition Petition
Last but not least, I see that Gordon Brown is the new PM now. Not surprised at all. I have been saying for over a year that he was going to be the next one simply because he attended the Bilderberg meeting and publicly rants about how much we all need a "New World Order" and then he hopped on the Climate Change train and said how it can help with the "New World Order" etc. If you see politicians attending Bilderberg meetings and saying this shit - you have great odds to bet massive amounts of money on their promotion in politics. Same shit happened with George Bush Sr and Bill Clinton, too. I've been keeping eyes on other Governors, Congressman and Senators .... as well and all signs are consistant.

Ron Paul has specifically discerned and denounce the global vision for a "New World Order". He is, naturally, already beginning to face a huge amount of resistance. There is no conpiracy theory here - just facts to make of as you will.
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PenilePersist said:
Last but not least, I see that Gordon Brown is the new PM now. Not surprised at all. I have been saying for over a year that he was going to be the next one simply because he attended the Bilderberg meeting and publicly rants about how much we all need a "New World Order" and then he hopped on the Climate Change train and said how it can help with the "New World Order" etc. If you see politicians attending Bilderberg meetings and saying this shit - you have great odds to bet massive amounts of money on their promotion in politics. Same shit happened with George Bush Sr and Bill Clinton, too. I've been keeping eyes on other Governors, Congressman and Senators .... as well and all signs are consistant.

Ron Paul has specifically discerned and denounce the global vision for a "New World Order". He is, naturally, already beginning to face a huge amount of resistance. There is no conpiracy theory here - just facts to make of as you will.

More "Kooky, Paranoid Conspiracy Theorist" for ya. Just backing my comments up since I suspect the "New World Order" phrase and "Bilderberg" comment isn't taken well.

First a note on my thoughts:
I'm the enemy, 'cause I like to think, I like to read. I'm into freedom of speech, and freedom of choice.

Edgar Friendly, Dennis Leary, Demolition man

CNN talking about Bilderberg meetings for a "New World Order":

YouTube - CNN - Discusses Bilderberg plans for New World Order

Bilderberg was founded with Henry Kissinger back in 1954. Henry Kissinger had this to say at one of the meetings in 1992:

"Today Americans would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order; tomorrow they will be grateful. This is especially true if they were told there was an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will plead with world leaders to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well being granted to them by their world government."

Henry Kissinger - Former US Secretary of State
Speaking at the May 21, 1992 Bilderburgers meeting. Unbeknownst to Kissinger, his speech was taped by a Swiss delegate to the meeting.

"New World Order" out of their own mouths:

January 18th, 2005:
Kissinger, on Charlie Rose, talking about how the "New World Order" or "New International Order" (he knows New World Order phrase it taking heat, so he is playing with words) :

"new world order" "kissinger" - Google Video

"There is a need for a New World Order"
YouTube - Kissinger NWO again

"new world order" "kissinger" - Google Video

Bush Sr on New World Order:
YouTube - New World Order

ClintonS on New World Order:


Hillary: YouTube - hillary clinton meeting wanting a 'new world order' 1984

Lou Dobbs talking about how Bush Jr fulfills his father's vision for a New World Order with the, Sovereignty Destroying, North American Union aka "Security and Propserity Partnership for North America" - SPP Home - (we all know Jr is a puppet, right?):


Gordon Brown talking about the New World Order:

BBC: "Wants a New World Order" BBC NEWS | Politics | Brown wants a 'new world order'

Guardian: "Demands a New World Order" - on the Climate Change train:
Brown demands 'new world order' | UK Latest | Guardian Unlimited

Gordon Brown and Tony Blair asked about Bilderberg by Norman Baker of Parliament:
Brown Answers Bilderberg Question

Brown Answers Bilderberg Question
By getting a lower minister to refuse to answer it | January 16, 2007
Steve Watson

Last week we reported how British MP, Norman Baker, who had previously asked Prime Minister Tony Blair to reveal details of any Bilderberg meetings he has attended, has also now officially asked the current Chancellor of the Exchequer, and most likely next Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, to reveal details of his own attendances at Bilderberg.

Baker's question has now been "answered", but not by Brown himself, by John Healey, the Financial Secretary to the Treasury. The question and "answer" appeared today in the parliamentary records :

Norman Baker: To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer in which years since 1997 (a) he and (beer) other Treasury Ministers have attended meetings of the Bilderberg Group. [115142]

John Healey: Treasury Ministers and officials have meetings with a wide range of organisations and individuals in the public and private sectors as part of the process of policy development and delivery. As was the case with previous Administrations, it is not the Government's practice to provide details of all such meetings.

Translation: The government is not accountable, it can meet to form and implement policy with whichever unelected officials and foreign business interests it chooses without telling you anything.

Blair Quizzed on Bilderberg
Blair Quizzed on Bilderberg
Denies attending any elite conferences in the House of Commons. Is he lying again?

Steve Watson / | October 20 2006

Tony Blair was questioned in the House of Commons yesterday on his involvement with the secretive Bilderberg Group. Liberal Democrat MP, Norman Baker asked Blair to provide a full answer to a previous 12th October question about Bilderberg and whether Mr Blair had had any involvement in Bilderberg Conferences since he became Prime Minister in 1997.

The entry into the House of Commons records is below and can be viewed online here:

Prime Minister
Bilderberg Group
Norman Baker: To ask the Prime Minister pursuant to the answer of 12 October 2006, Official Report, column 862W, on the Bilderberg Group, if he will provide the information requested in respect of himself since 1997. [95308]

The Prime Minister: I have not attended any such meetings.

Is Blair telling the truth? Certainly he has lied about previous attendances to Bilderberg meetings, most notably the 1993 conference which he attended before he'd even become leader of his own party. One year after his attendance Blair became leader of the Labour party and a rapid rise to power, culminating in his election as Prime Minister in 1997, ensued that baffled many political analysts.

In 1998 an MP asked Blair the same question to which he gave the same answer, that he had never attended a Bilderberg meeting. However, the evidence clearly shows he was there. A number of mainstream media reports, plus the official Bilderberg attendee list, confirm that Blair attended Bilderberg in Athens in 1993. Furthermore, Parliamentary records prove he was there with long term member, and supposed opposition party stalwart Ken Clarke.

Tony Gosling at has tirelessly worked to expose the influence that the Bilderberg group has on world events. Here he analyses the incredible rise to power that other Western leaders have experienced after attending Bilderberg meetings.

Norman Baker, the MP who questioned Blair, has recently made waves in British politics by launching into a private, year-long investigation into the death of Dr David Kelly, the scientist who found himself under siege after apparently accusing the government of ‘sexing up’ the case for war to a BBC journalist.

Kelly, the UK's leading weapons inspector, was found dead under a tree on Harrowdown Hill in Oxfordshire after telling associates and friends that he feared that's what would happen to him. An inquiry set up under Lord Hutton duly reported that Dr Kelly had committed suicide. In a brave attempt to reveal the truth, Norman Baker disputes this conclusion.

Baker has also recently suggested that he sees inconsistencies in the official story of the 9/11 attacks.

This year's Bilderberg Conference was held in Ottawa Canada and was covered in depth by Alex Jones and the Infowars team who went through hell and high water to protest and raise awareness of the event.

Bilderberg has a proven history of acting in a kingmaker capacity, yet they are unelected and unaccountable to anyone. Their directives are driven towards undermining national sovereignty and establishing a world order that benefits their elite interests. Both Bill Clinton and Tony Blair were "groomed" by Bilderberg before becoming President and Prime Minister and the mainstream media reported that Bilderberg selected John Edwards as John Kerry's running mate in 2004.

Further Parliamentary records indicate that the shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer attended the Bilderberg conference this year. This is interesting given that Gordon Brown, a man on the verge of becoming the next Prime Minister, attended the Bilderberg Conference when he was shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer in 1991.

A House of Lords minute entry dated 11th October also indicates that an answer is awaited on whether any ministers attended this year's Bilderberg Conference:

The Lord Stoddart of Swindon—To ask Her Majesty's Government whether any Ministers attended the Bilderberg Conference in Ottawa between 8th and 11th June; if so, whether they attended in a Ministerial or private capacity; whether they made contributions to debates; and, if so, on which subjects. [CO] (HL7569)

It seems that some members of The Houses want to know exactly who is attending Bilderberg meetings and in what capacity.

Ron Paul talks about how the New World Order is a plan to set up World Government and undermining National Sovereignty:

YouTube - Congressman Admits a Conspiracy for Global Gov't Exists

More on Global Governance (though focusing on Clinton a bit much, failing to talk about how Bush contributes - only talking about how Bush stopped one effort of Clinton's on occasion for unknown reasons) :

Global Governance - The Quiet War Against American Independence - Google Video

Something that I fear will be pushed with Climate Change .... pay attention to the part on the "Biodiversity Treaty" , that Clinton and Gore apparently supported (and still support?), calling for depopulating the planet by 2/3s, and as much as sustaining only 500 Million people total world wide with only 20 Million people in the USA:

Global Governance - The Quiet War Against American Independence - Google Video

Bill Clinton and Carrol Quigley:

As a lecturer, Quigley made a strong impression on many of his students, including future U.S. President Bill Clinton, who named Quigley as an important influence during his acceptance speech at the 1992 Democratic National Convention,[1] saying,

“ As a teenager, I heard John Kennedy’s summons to citizenship. And then, as a student at Georgetown, I heard that call clarified by a professor named Carroll Quigley, who said to us that America was the greatest Nation in history because our people had always believed in two things — that tomorrow can be better than today and that every one of us has a personal moral responsibility to make it so.[2]

Writings on the Anglo-American elite
Quigley became well known among those who believe that there is an international conspiracy to bring about a one-world government. In his 1966 book, Tragedy and Hope, he based his analysis on his extensive research in the closely-held papers of an Anglo-American elite organization, to which he was given access. According to Quigley, the U.S. and UK governments were secretly controlled through a series of Round Table Groups, the group in the US being the Council on Foreign Relations. He contended that both the Republican and Democratic parties were controlled by an "international Anglophile network" that shaped elections.

The Anglo-American EstablisHydromaxent was not published until 1982, five years after Quigley's death, because of its controversial material: several publishers would not publish it when it was written in 1949, but the manuscript was found after his death on the Island of Rhodes. The book alleged that the Munich Pact of 1938 had secretly been prepared as early as 1937 by politicians in Great Britain to give Germany and the Soviet Union a common border, in order to eventually destroy the latter in a war between the two nations. He further alleged that the crisis before the pact had been staged by British prime minister Neville Chamberlain. He also claimed that Alfred Milner had secretly written the Balfour Declaration of 1917.

Critics assailed Quigley for his approval of the goals (though not the tactics) of the Anglo-American elite, while selectively using his information and analysis as evidence for their views.[citation needed] Quigley himself thought that the influence of the Anglo-American elite had slowly waned after World War II, and that, in American society after 1965, the problem was that no elite was in charge and acting responsibly.

[edit] Quotes
There does exist, and has existed for a generation, an international Anglophile network which operates, to some extent, in the way the radical Right believes the Communists act. In fact, this network, which we may identify as the Round Table Groups, has no aversion to cooperating with the Communists, or any other groups, and frequently does so. I know of the operations of this network because I have studied it for twenty years and was permitted for two years, in the early 1960's, to examine its papers and secret records. I have no aversion to it or to most of its aims and have, for much of my life, been close to it and to many of its instruments. I have objected, both in the past and recently, to a few of its policies (notably to its belief that England was an Atlantic rather than a European Power and must be allied, or even federated, with the United States and must remain isolated from Europe), but in general my chief difference of opinion is that it wishes to remain unknown, and I believe its role in history is significant enough to be known. (p. 950}
The argument that the two parties should represent opposed ideals and policies, one, perhaps, of the Right and the other of the Left, is a foolish idea acceptable only to the doctrinaire and academic thinkers. Instead, the two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can "throw the rascals out" at any election without leading to any profound or extreme shifts in policy. {p. 1247}
- Both from Tragedy and Hope
The Rhodes Scolarships, established by the terms of Cecil Rhodes's seventh will, are known to everyone. What is not so widely known is that Rhodes in five previous wills left his fortune to form a secret society, which was to devote itself to the preservation and expansion of the British Empire. And what does not seem to be known to anyone is that this secret society was created by Rhodes and his principal trustee, Lord Milner, and continues to exist to this day. To be sure, this secret society is not a childish thing like the Ku Klux Klan, and it does not have any secret robes, secret handclasps, or secret passwords. It does not need any of these, since its members know each other intimately. It probably has no oaths of secrecy nor any formal procedure of initiation. It does, however, exist and holds secret meetings, over which the senior member present presides. At various times since 1891, these meetings have been presided over by Rhodes, Lord Milner, Lord Selborne, Sir Patrick Duncan, Field Marshal Jan Smuts, Lord Lothian, and Lord Brand. They have been held in all the British Dominions, starting in South Africa about 1903; in various places in London, chiefly Piccadilly; at various colleges at Oxford, chiefly All Souls; and at many English country houses such as Tring Park, Blickling Hall, Cliveden, and others. (p. ix)
No country that values its safety should allow what the Milner group accomplished in Britain, that is, that a small number of men should be able to wield such power in administration and politics, should be given almost complete control over the publication of the documents relating to their actions, should be able to exercise such influence over the avenues of information that create public opinion, and should be able to monopolize so completely the writing and teaching of the history of their own period. (p. xi)
- Both from The Anglo-American EstablisHydromaxent

"clinton attended bilderberg" - Google Search

Bill and Hillary have attended Bilderberg BEFORE their highest rise in political ranks.

"Stridge's boy", John Edwards, attended Bilderberg in 2004:
"john edwards" "bilderberg" "2004" - Google Search

There is more. You can find it.
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Sridge, I'm not playing your argument game. It's over. Truce. Get over it. You are wasting your time.

By the way, you are getting better with the quote code, but you still don't know how to attribute the code to the proper people. It's really simple.

Just Type an equal sign said:
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This should have gone in a previous post, obviously:

David Rockefeller, who also took part in founding Bilderberg, confesses guilt in a mocking manner, and pride in a genuine manner, for - in his own words - "conspiring" to establish a "one world" order.

David Rockefeller confesses

In his book Memoirs, published in 2002, David Rockefeller, Sr. made the following remarks, startling in their very frankness: "For more than a century ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents such as my encounter with Castro to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure -- one world, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it."
... and

"We are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years....It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries."

David Rockefeller - Bilderberg Meeting - June 1991 - Baden, Germany

even faced with this publicly available, proudly proclaimed evidence, there are oh so many that will continue to dispute and negate that the notion of a New World Order even exsists, let alone the programm being in motion for decades.

what more could you possibly need when you have an "of sound mind" confession?

keep pushing
Yep. I've read that one before too, but thanks for reminding me of it and providing it to compliment my post and so that I can save it to my archives.

I agree, denial is quite a dynamic beast.
PenilePersist said:
He KILLED in the online poll - AGAIN. Of course, such polls are not always very accurate and are not always a fair representation of the voting public.

Guliani has obviously been grandstanding on the whole 9/11 shit - while multiplying his wealth by getting paid to talk about how good of a job he did even though there are large groups of emergency workers that say Guliani sucked and he took part in rapidly removing evidence from Ground Zero (ooooo - call me a Paranoid Conspiracy Theorist now). He evokes 9/11 every single second he can - and that is all that he was trying to do with Ron Paul. He knows that too many of the viewers are still stupid enough to make it a popularity contest of who sways emotion the most - rather than who has the more sensible points. Obviously, Ron Paul was on target with why any foreign group would attack us. It's not because they are jealous or sickened by our own life in our own part of the world .... it is because they are pissed off about foreign policy effecting their every day life on the ground ... and they experience it and gather more intelligence on it than most people in the USA. :s

Now .... not at all surprised:

.... and you still don't think people like to try their best to shut Ron Paul up? They are just looking for an excuse because they know if he continues then he will start to sway more and more people with his logic opposed to emotion. It's obvious to anyone who has a clue - pardon me.

You already articualted what I would have said about the polling good call. His strong responses from the debates has made the news, and in fact CNN is carrying a headliner story on its homepage at this moment, actually an editorial but nonetheless, defending Ron's viewpoint on the 9/11 statements and foreign policy as a legit point that shouldn't be tabbooed or censored. And, as I mentioned, super-blogger Andrew Sullivan and other prominent figures are stumping for the guy left and right.

My take on it, is although Ron Paul certainly holds a lot of appeal for some people naturally, like the Democrats he's riding the anti-war wave and it's giving him a boost in recognition that he never had before. Nothing wrong with that, but I think people are obviously way more focused on his war rhetoric than the totalist of his politics or overall qualities as a strong exectutive and president.

I agree with Ron Paul in some respects, but just as his opponents are misguided in saying that "they hate us for our freedom" is the sole source of outrage from Muslim extremists, so too is Ron Paul taking something very complicated and difficult to understand and simply boiling it down to "American foreign policy caused 9/11." Neither answer is correct, it has to do with both, but unfortuantely neither makes a very strong or disinguised tagline to campaign with.

I will give Ron Paul credit, as I know that McCain and Giuliani don't believe their own bullshit on this issue, while I'm inclined to believe that Ron Paul more or less believes everything he says to be true, at least at the fundamental level.

So far as Giuliani, I already posted my feelings on him. Obviously I have no problem with the whole "steel removal" from Ground Zero thing as I've discussed with Reber, but I do know that he neglected to remove the city's emergency command center from the Trade Center, even after he was advised to do so after the failed bombing in 1993. So here is a guy, who is running on his strong security and administrative qualities and national security issues, who blew a major security call regarding terrorism. As many others have been pointed out, the many shots of him running around the streets of New York with the mobile task force that made him so beloved only exist because the city emergency center, located in the towers, obviously wasn't available. That says a lot about his candidacy, but records of achievement don't make presidents in the modern era, so we'll see what happens.

So far as the GOP not liking Paul and wanting him to get rid of things - I think I may have referenced that already in this thread, if not I certainly never suggested that the Republican Party doesn't want Paul around. He distracts from their prizefight candidates and undermines their campaign messages, nor has he ever really worked with the Party very closely - they hate the guy. To me there's nothing disturbing or surprising about that; there's usually candidates in any presidential race that the Party leadership tries to fund ways to shut-up. Once again, just how democratic politics in a media-driven culture works.

Oh yeah, the NWO stuff - that should almost be a different thread on international relations and foreign policy, so I'll mostly leave it alone. Basically, I don't get why the concept freaks people out so much. Probably the cool and sinister name - just kidding. I know we're not supposed to talk about the "kooky" side of conspiracy stuff here, but some of the things Reber has showed me point to the outrage over 'NWO' type ideas being related to some of the more 'out-there' sorts of conspiracy theories about world-enslavement by elite cabals and such. The more I learned about the history of conspiracy ideas, the more the fear of a global conspiracy to destroy the old realist world order and institute some facist hell seemed to be the predominant scenario, just presented in many different forms with different explanations. I didn't read any of the links or anything, so I'm not passing and judgement here.
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PenilePersist said:
Sridge, I'm not playing your argument game. It's over. Truce. Get over it. You are wasting your time.

By the way, you are getting better with the quote code, but you still don't know how to attribute the code to the proper people. It's really simple.

Totally fine by me, I was just giving my reply to your many statements - no need for you to respond if you don't want, as I repeatedly mentioned. I wouldn't call it a waste of my time; I wanted to reply to what you said. And, there's really nothing here to 'get over.'

So far as still quoting improperly - why would I need to make the text bold? - all the highlighted quotes are from you.
So far as David Rockefeller - I guess I don't get why he's so sinister either. Fascinating yes - super-wealthy power-broker from one of the original American corporate dynasties, but the fact that he advocates globalism in and of itself doesn't freak me out. I suppose it would if you thought globalism had some sinister purpose, but that's a different story.
Reber187 said:
... and

"We are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years....It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries."

David Rockefeller - Bilderberg Meeting - June 1991 - Baden, Germany

even faced with this publicly available, proudly proclaimed evidence, there are oh so many that will continue to dispute and negate that the notion of a New World Order even exsists, let alone the programm being in motion for decades.

what more could you possibly need when you have an "of sound mind" confession?

keep pushing

Do you have the link for this?
stridge said:
So far as David Rockefeller - I guess I don't get why he's so sinister either. Fascinating yes - super-wealthy power-broker from one of the original American corporate dynasties, but the fact that he advocates globalism in and of itself doesn't freak me out. I suppose it would if you thought globalism had some sinister purpose, but that's a different story.

I've had enough of your shit - again. Will you ever fucking learn? I never said David Rockefeller was sinister. Reber and I merely quoted his own words. You keep assuming and putting words in my mouth. You've done it with just about - if not exactly - every single post of mine in this thread .... and you go can fuck yourself for that.

You said something about how I could do something with my posts so I won't have such a frustrating time with people like you. I've never had sucha frustrating time with a person in any conversation. I've never met anyone like you who assumes - so much - and attributes words or thoughts to me that I never said - so much.

Globalism has it's pros and cons. As far as what our nation once stood for and was founded on, sovereignty, and many other factors, it is all negative.
And, no, before you put words in my mouth - for probably the hundredth time in this thread alone with little room for exaggeration - I did not say, nor do I believe, that Globalism is all negative.

Both Rockefeller and Kissinger talk about dissembling sovereignty/rights, so that could be considered sinister and or treason - and certainly would be by the founders of this country and plenty of prominent men throughout history and even today; and really it applies to all the people I quoted - since that's part of the meaning of what ALL of those people mean when they say "New World Order". I cannot accurately say whether these people are sinister themselves, or only their philosophy is only sinister to some.

stridge said:
So far as still quoting improperly - why would I need to make the text bold? - all the highlighted quotes are from you.

You misunderstand - again. The bold is only a side effect of proper attribution of a quote. I did not use any bold code, nor did I tell you to use bold code.

You are too much.
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