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Dylon;480216 said:
Whats good everybody, I actually started some years back, and quit. I have the typical low self-esteem, jealously, hide under a rock story. Just got out of a 3 yr relationship, and ended really bad on my end. I had ED from the age of 18, I really dont know how my penis became so weak,because of the masturbation, IDk. I use to basically eat all those scamming magic pills that u see out today (extenze, prosolution, irexis, etc.) I remember when I was suffering from chronic soft-wood, it lasted until I bought my Bathmate 2 yrs ago. Im really tired of being laughed at all the time. I lock myself in the house all day, just to keep from seeing anyone that recognizes me, Ive distants myself from my close friends and family. I dont go out, because im scared of meeting another girl who isnt gonna be satisfied. I pray about this shit all the time, I just really want more... I know my penis size is considered average, and Ive tried to accept it, but it seems no one else does either..........


Start out with a light version of the newbie routine, then gradually work your way up to doing the full program.
After about a month of manual jelqs, start using your Bathmate. Do like 200 jelqs, 6 minutes in Bathmate, 200 jelqs, 6 minutes in Bathmate, 200 jelqs, then gradually work your way up from there. 6 sets of 6 minutes in Bathmate is ideal. Make sure you jelq in between at least 3 of the sets.
Get an extender that you can wear during the day. Try to do your length work in the morning, then throw on the extender right after. Start out at 3 hours per day for the first week, 4 hours second week etc. Work your way up to wearing it 8-12 hours a day.
Look into hanging once you have been doing Penis Enlargement consistently for a good six months.
I completely understand how you feel, I have a similar story. But if you keep up with Penis Enlargement and put your heart into it, it will slowly get bigger. Takes lots of time and effort. You have to make it the number 1 priority. Don't start out too hard, gradually increase the intensity. I started out pulling too hard with the newbie routine and it wasnt helpful. Key is to start out very very light and add more intensity each day.
People here are great. I ask questions all the time and they help me out.
Good luck man, just don't give up.
One inch gained in length and one inch gained in girth will make your penis completely different and much much larger in volume. People don't realize how much difference even a half inch can make, expecially girth.
I imagine part of your size problem has to do with your lack of erections.
Start eating healthy and exercising, preferably jogging daily or at least 4 days a week. No less than 20 minutes of jogging. Work your way up if you can't do that now. And when you jog, don't stop if you get a cramp. Keep jogging the entire 20 minutes, no walking. Ditch the dick medicine and stick with Penis Enlargement and healthy living.
Tron;478158 said:
@MikeShlort Im gonna try your tie off trick tonight. I have a soft rubber c-ring instead of a cord though. Let's see what happens eh?

Good luck man. You should see that you keep most of the pump until you untie it in the morning
Hey! I'm Jason. New to the forums. I don't feel obligated to buy any products. I just want to do some hands-on techniques like milking and jelqing. I think my current size is pretty good: 7 inches in length, 5.5 in girth. My goal is about 8 in length, and 6.5 in girth. All I really want to know is how long will I have to milk or jelq before I start seeing some noticable (visually and on the ruler) results. Thanks! ^^ - Jason
JNightly;480429 said:
Hey! I'm Jason. New to the forums. I don't feel obligated to buy any products. I just want to do some hands-on techniques like milking and jelqing. I think my current size is pretty good: 7 inches in length, 5.5 in girth. My goal is about 8 in length, and 6.5 in girth. All I really want to know is how long will I have to milk or jelq before I start seeing some noticable (visually and on the ruler) results. Thanks! ^^ - Jason

Welcome, you should see results quickly and could certainly have met your length goal within a year (a year for an inch of girth is possible but it may take longer).
Greetings, my name is Allan. I stumbled across this forum because I'm in the process of getting divorced after 25 years. Hopefully this won't sound lame but I got married very young (19!) and have only been with 3 woman (my first girlfriend, my wife (who was a virgin) whom I never cheated on, well, until I got separated from her and my current girlfriend (she is also married and getting divorced, age 40). A lot of the reasons I'm getting divorced involve intimacy and sex. Hadn't had it in 4 years prior to leaving her. She was the most unaffectionate person possible. She was also very selfish in bed. When we did have sex years ago I was mostly bored to be honest. She didn't have a good time either. She belittled me once and after that I had a hard time caring about having sex with her to the point I had erectile dysfunction. As the relationship finally dwindled to the end we had our final blowout before I left her which had her saying I had always been a lousy kisser, boring in bed, she couldn't feel me. Lots of hateful, cruel stuff. I was done. I've not gone through this forum too much yet but from the lingo I have a 5.25" length (not to the bone) and 4 3/4" girth which from what I can see is not too great. The woman I'm currently seeing I had liked from the first day I met her 5 months prior to leaving my wife (she is the mom of one of my son's friends). The day I left my wife I went straight to her (I knew she was getting divorced) and told her I had feeling for her. She said she did as well and I've been with her with her the past 3 months.

So naturally I'm going into this new relationship with zero confidence and extremely nervous about everything. Luckily, turns out I have no erectile dysfunction (just ex-wife dysfunction). Everything worked great. I'm having sex like I've never had in my life. I've had more sex in 3 months than the last 8 years combined I'd say. Turns out according to her I'm a fantastic kisser and the best sex she's ever had she says. I actually believe her. Our first night I gave her four orgasms. She was floored. I've always been the guy who goes all out to please the woman first and I get turned on more that way. It's amazing what was not working for my wife at all works fantastic with my girlfriend. Happier than I've ever been sexually. So what's the problem? Still feeling major self conscious. She has had around 15-20 men in her life. Me, only 2 before her. Seeing the stats here that roughly means around 3/4 of them were bigger than me on average. She says I fit her perfectly and when I had talked about picking up some kinky stuff like handcuffs to try I also mentioned seeing a penis pump and she told me she wouldn't want me to be bigger and I was perfect for her the way I was. Is she serious or just talk? No idea. I'm having a hard time getting the thought of these other guys out of my head. First time she took out my dick I (stupidly) said "not the best" but she said it was perfect and gave me oral.

OK, so that's the background. Even though she says i'm perfect and doesn't want me to do anything I'd like to get bigger for my own head so I can get rid of the thoughts of her previous boyfriends (whom I actually know nothing about concerning their size) and so I can stay excited about what I hope will be a new long sex period in my life.

My questions: At 44 can I do this? What realistically can I accomplish in size and girth? Is it permanent? What are the general time frames for accomplishing this? Whjat's the best routine for a guy my age (if that matters)? I'm sure many answers are already here. If I can get some help with these questions or be pointed in the right direction I'd appreciate it. Thanks!
44aliveagain;480705 said:
Greetings, my name is Allan. I stumbled across this forum because I'm in the process of getting divorced after 25 years. Hopefully this won't sound lame but I got married very young (19!) and have only been with 3 woman (my first girlfriend, my wife (who was a virgin) whom I never cheated on, well, until I got separated from her and my current girlfriend (she is also married and getting divorced, age 40). A lot of the reasons I'm getting divorced involve intimacy and sex. Hadn't had it in 4 years prior to leaving her. She was the most unaffectionate person possible. She was also very selfish in bed. When we did have sex years ago I was mostly bored to be honest. She didn't have a good time either. She belittled me once and after that I had a hard time caring about having sex with her to the point I had erectile dysfunction. As the relationship finally dwindled to the end we had our final blowout before I left her which had her saying I had always been a lousy kisser, boring in bed, she couldn't feel me. Lots of hateful, cruel stuff. I was done. I've not gone through this forum too much yet but from the lingo I have a 5.25" length (not to the bone) and 4 3/4" girth which from what I can see is not too great. The woman I'm currently seeing I had liked from the first day I met her 5 months prior to leaving my wife (she is the mom of one of my son's friends). The day I left my wife I went straight to her (I knew she was getting divorced) and told her I had feeling for her. She said she did as well and I've been with her with her the past 3 months.

So naturally I'm going into this new relationship with zero confidence and extremely nervous about everything. Luckily, turns out I have no erectile dysfunction (just ex-wife dysfunction). Everything worked great. I'm having sex like I've never had in my life. I've had more sex in 3 months than the last 8 years combined I'd say. Turns out according to her I'm a fantastic kisser and the best sex she's ever had she says. I actually believe her. Our first night I gave her four orgasms. She was floored. I've always been the guy who goes all out to please the woman first and I get turned on more that way. It's amazing what was not working for my wife at all works fantastic with my girlfriend. Happier than I've ever been sexually. So what's the problem? Still feeling major self conscious. She has had around 15-20 men in her life. Me, only 2 before her. Seeing the stats here that roughly means around 3/4 of them were bigger than me on average. She says I fit her perfectly and when I had talked about picking up some kinky stuff like handcuffs to try I also mentioned seeing a penis pump and she told me she wouldn't want me to be bigger and I was perfect for her the way I was. Is she serious or just talk? No idea. I'm having a hard time getting the thought of these other guys out of my head. First time she took out my dick I (stupidly) said "not the best" but she said it was perfect and gave me oral.

OK, so that's the background. Even though she says i'm perfect and doesn't want me to do anything I'd like to get bigger for my own head so I can get rid of the thoughts of her previous boyfriends (whom I actually know nothing about concerning their size) and so I can stay excited about what I hope will be a new long sex period in my life.

My questions: At 44 can I do this? What realistically can I accomplish in size and girth? Is it permanent? What are the general time frames for accomplishing this? Whjat's the best routine for a guy my age (if that matters)? I'm sure many answers are already here. If I can get some help with these questions or be pointed in the right direction I'd appreciate it. Thanks!

Hey Allan. You're at the right place.

I don't think age matters about Penis enlargement. I was a drug addict for 9 years, which made my penis unhealthy, weak, small and shriveled, and now after nearly 7 months of Penis Enlargement it's bigger than it has ever been, especially girth wise.

It seems that this new woman you are with really likes you. And that's a good thing, she likes you for who you are.
I tend to make negative comments about myself in front of people, women in particular. It's usually not a good idea. It may make them think you are subconsciously fishing for compliments.
You have to do Penis Enlargement for yourself, and you have to want it bad. It's a full time commitment. But results happen when you stick to it and do it right.
Realistically, I'd say depending on your motivation, you could gain anywhere from .75-2 inches in length (2 inches would likely take a couple years, but every one is different) and 1-1.5 inches in girth. I find that girth is easier to gain, for me. I consider myself a slow gainer, but in 7 months I've tacked on about .3" length and .5" girth. Not bad. Lots of trial and error spent in that time as well. One thing is for certain, although my penis may not be much larger on the ruler, I feel I have a much larger penis - density, weight, erection quality, more vascular. There are guys here who have gained an inch length and .5 girth within 3-6 months.
I was at a point in my life where I didn't even want to try to have sex with another woman because I figured it would be a waste of her time, with my measly penis. Now I want to have sex with every attractive woman I see. Part of that attitude I owe to changing my state of mind, but Penis Enlargement has played a huge factor.

I'd say the gains are permanent, as long as you keep at it and allow your progress to cement. The best way is just to make it a regular part of your day and keep at it for a couple years.

Time frame - you'll notice a difference in the first month. Say you're aiming for 1 inch more in length and .75 inch more in girth - that could take 6 months, it could take a year, it could take a year and a half. Using the right exercises and the right devices with the right routine is key. Doing it regularly and properly is also key.

The most important part of Penis Enlargement is start out very light. Don't spend much time doing the exercises or much force. Then each day/session, gradually work up, using more force and more time. Very slowly. The goal is to be able to get a good erection later in the day/the next day. Then do another session.

There is really a lot to Penis Enlargement. It's like bodybuilding, where it's not just about going to the gym and pumping weights, but there are many other factors (for bodybuilding), like what to eat and when, when to work out, how to work out, what to do, getting adequate sleep, but not too much etc. So many subtle yet important things to learn and practice.

If you're seriously into it, and you use this site and other Penis Enlargement forums as resources, you'll gain. Everyone here wants to help each other because we all have similar reasons for getting into Penis Enlargement, and it's not something that is socially acceptable to openly talk about in real life, so we have that connection as well. We don't have to justify to each other why we're doing it, it's commonly understood.

If you have any questions, feel free to send me a message. I've learned a lot so far and I'd love to share so you don't have to waste any time and you can get started. Too much to put all on here though.

Also, I will be starting a thread of my own in the next couple months, which I'll put everything I've learned in. Every article, every piece of advice, my routines, my failures, my successes, articles on women, articles on sex, articles on health etc.

So good luck and know that you're at the right place. 7 months ago I remember thinking this is all bullshit but now I'm a firm believer that I will have a large penis one day.
rakas;480440 said:
Welcome, you should see results quickly and could certainly have met your length goal within a year (a year for an inch of girth is possible but it may take longer).
Okay, that's great! What a relief; I thought it would take longer than that. ^^
Thanks Mike for the detailed response. First, congrats on beating your addiction. If you can do that you can do anything. Leaving my wife took me four years of unbearable stress and anxiety so I'm ready to make myself feel better.

I definitely want to give this a good shot. Based on your response I think my goal would be to get to 6.5 length (from 5.25) and 5.5 girth (from 4.75). I think with my frame which is 5' 7" and 160 pounds that should look real good. I have a runners body, very toned and muscled and look 34 instead of 44 so that size would be enough to make me happy. Considering my girlfriend says she is already happy I'd say that would be icing for her. I've been exercising regularly and am started to eat better (hard to do for a single guy just separated).

I've looked around the site and want to know if the routine for length and girth posted by Redzulu2003 is a good place to start. The big thing now is figuring out what all that stuff is! Gonna read up on all this and how to do it this week and then start after I figure it out. I'd like to not use any devices to start as I have my kids coming over a lot and my new girlfriend. Would be weird if they found anything. So, one question: there is mention of a clamp or a cock ring. No idea what either of these are or what to do with them. Mention a shoe lace would also work. Tie it around the base? the shaft? how tight? Confused.

Thanks for the offer to ask you questions. I expect I will take you up on that as I proceed. Looking forward to seeing the thread you post.

If anyone else has any helpful advice LMK. Thanks.
Very good words from all involved! MOS is a great place.
Hello my name is curt and I never had a problem until a year ago when me and my girlfriend broke up after 7 years we started to date in high school and we deflowered each other well about a year and a half ago I was in an accident while wrestling in college and I was put on hard pain pills and got addicted to them and lost everything to them my wrestling scholarship my appt which soon led after many failed attempts to help me! My love of my life. Soon after she left me sitting in a daze at my parents house I decided I wasn't going to have this and checked into a treatment program and have been sober a little over a year! But back onto to point when i returned to my home town and called my ex girl friend a familiar voice answered which wasn't her! It was a guy whom I had wrestled with for many years and had a rep of having a giant penis and I seen it over the years and i thought my 7 1/2 size was perfect but this guy has a huge member. I never just sat there and stared at it but it was almost like a car crash u don't want to look but can't look away! I was in dis belief that she had moved on. So i went out and had a few one night stands and they always just felt okward cause I had only ever had sex with my ex. and. we were trained to one another so i was. determined. to get her back so about 2 months ago we finally started seeing one each other again and everything is great....... except sex! She doesn't enjoy it anymore it seems and when we do have sex all I can think about is how another. Man pleased my girlfriend better than I can and to top it off I can't last any longer than a minute cause I stress my self out about it. Its all I can think about I even started to lose sleep over it (which is why I am up right now) which brought me to your sight and now I am on a journey to increase my size so she can be please red to how she likes. Forgot to mention she is not the same in bed anymore she seems like she is not getting any bit satisfied while it lasts. So i will start the program tommorow morning before work and let the gains begin! My goal is 9 inches which doesn't compared to my wrestling teammate but is reasonable and should satisfy her I haven't set a goal on girth yet since I haven't measured it I will be on this site regularly in my experience and am proud to be a member!
First I have a story that might make you feel better, well it should atleast! And have my input on what is going on and you can take it or leave it ,but im probabally right!!! So first off I have been doing P E for about 5 years now off and on.. I was with my (X) for 8 years since highschool relative to what your speaking on and I take her virginity.. Well I winded up getting her pregnant back in 2006 and had a beautiful little girl which is my everything but dont have contact with as I live 9 states away from her do to wanting to physically take the life her mother and thought I couldnt do that to my little girl so its best I just go away for now until my heads in the right place!!! Anyway 2 years after my daughter was born I had a work accident doing construction that did something and thats all I can say about what happened ,but I had always been a self concious peron and prestine about my appearance which was now shattered with nothing I could do to change it (no matter what)!!! As my self confidence dwindled and I drank my sorrow for myself away I became naglective and a violent black out drunk... Well about a month after the accident I got my license back after 2 previous DUI's which now looking back on was just a bad idea because of everything that was going on in my life and I was going to drin and drive again!!! Needless to say "WEEMP WEEMP" ambers in the rear view and "CLINK CLINK" off to jail we go!!!! Posted bond the next day for $5000 which is half what I got from workmans comp for my permenant partial disability settelment and the other half to my lawyer who walked out of the courtroom after consulting with the states prosecutor to say "I cant walk on water"??? So I was going to be sentenced a mandatory 6 months and 2 years probation... Well do to my accident and becoming insecure with myself are started to do P E and the baby momma found out and wasnt thrilled to say the least!!! Well one night about 2 months before I have to go serve my 6 months we go out to the bar and im compensating with 151 to make myself feel comfortable because of my permenant injury, wind up blacking out and hospitalizing 2 punk asses that were hitting on my daughters mom!!! She winded up leaving me because she says I was out of control which granted I was ,but deep down I know she really left me because she couldnt deal with my permenant injury just like I couldnt and didnt want to be with a person that had any type of injury such as mine ,SHALLOW ASS BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This same woman who had begged me to have children with her and marry her living together forever just abandoned ship????? So I do everything I can to try and get her back before im off to jail and nothing works and ontop of that shes going to bars and clubs 4 times a week, but swares up and down were going to get back together and she doesnt want anything to do with another man.... Well I find out she is hanging out with one of my prior friends thats not attractive whatsoever but is a bar ho male whore... So I go find this dousche bag at a bar and threaten his ass "nothing is to come between me and getting my family back and dont try me because I dont know what im capable of"!!! He proceeds to sware up and down nothing will atleast from him and said " I give you my word as a MAN" physically freightened at my very presence... SO either way its off to jail where I come to find once again like I didnt know before jail is like a womens beauty salon "LOCAL GOSSIP"... This motherfucker fucked my daughters mom???? Sadly for him I was in jail, allready suped as shit and just getting meaner and bigger getting ready to make this punk eat his words!! I get released after 30 days for a weekend before going to an inmate worker program from the remainder of my time and go snort some white and pummel this mother fucker into a hospital bed then get bitched at by the 2 faced baby momma for doing so FUCK HER!!!!! So back to jail!!! Well I get out a changed man rid of my inner demons and willing to accept things I wouldnt before YADDA YADDA YADDA so on and so forth... She calls me every night crying drunk since my release saying she wants to come stay with me???? Either way I tell her I wont have sex with her until we work on falling back in love with each other emotionally and she is shocked!!!! Well I come to find out from her brothers fiance that shes fucked 6 more people????? And and 2 boot she made an amateur �naked people movies� video floating around on the internet, WTF??????? I have a kid with this piece of fucking garbage!!!!!!! This story go's on and on for 2 years before I had to put myself back in jail before killing this woman to get off probation and move to place that keeps her safe even though she deserves death!!! The moral of the story is that people change and sometimes what they say and do are 2 completely different things!!! The reason shes not enjoying herself is because she can tell something is bothering you and your not enjoying yourself.... Your relationship in all honesty probabally will not last well 95% more than likely!! Its not you man, its her... And growing your dick 2+ inches isnt going to change the way you emotionally feel towards one another unless your relationship is strictly plutonic???? If you do this do it for yourself, not in some last ditch effort to save your relationship with your highschool sweetheart!!! You putting all your eggs in one basket so to speak just as I did and your going to get burned with the mentallity you have!!!!!!! Either man up and ask her why she isnt anjoying sex like she used to or put this other assholes dick size out of your mind for good and just do you.... Dont constantly dwell on how you measure up physically to the competition, a bick dick isnt everything just a boost of self esteem!!!
Paragraphs would really help in reading this!
Hi I am Fister, I'm 25 years old and I want to enlarge my dick since I was about 15 :D I'm in pumping since 15. I started with 15 pumping very unregular, now I pump very often. I'm into a Bathmate, but I'm not shire which one is better for me.

My cock is now 8,54 inch in length, but when I pump with my normal pump I get 9,25 inch after an hour. So I will buy me the X-40. My goal is 10,5'' inch in length and 6,5'' thickness

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Hi I am Fister, I'm 25 years old and I want to enlarge my dick since I was about 15 :D I'm in pumping since 15. I started with 15 pumping very unregular, now I pump very often. I'm into a Bathmate, but I'm not shire which one is better for me.

My cock is now 8,54 inch in length, but when I pump with my normal pump I get 9,25 inch after an hour. So I will buy me the X-40. My goal is 10,5'' inch in length and 6,5'' thickness

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fister;481677 said:
Hi I am Fister, I'm 25 years old and I want to enlarge my dick since I was about 15 :D I'm in pumping since 15. I started with 15 pumping very unregular, now I pump very often. I'm into a Bathmate, but I'm not shire which one is better for me.

My cock is now 8,54 inch in length, but when I pump with my normal pump I get 9,25 inch after an hour. So I will buy me the X-40. My goal is 10,5'' inch in length and 6,5'' thickness

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I'm extremely jealous of you.
44aliveagain;480842 said:
Thanks Mike for the detailed response. First, congrats on beating your addiction. If you can do that you can do anything. Leaving my wife took me four years of unbearable stress and anxiety so I'm ready to make myself feel better.

I definitely want to give this a good shot. Based on your response I think my goal would be to get to 6.5 length (from 5.25) and 5.5 girth (from 4.75). I think with my frame which is 5' 7" and 160 pounds that should look real good. I have a runners body, very toned and muscled and look 34 instead of 44 so that size would be enough to make me happy. Considering my girlfriend says she is already happy I'd say that would be icing for her. I've been exercising regularly and am started to eat better (hard to do for a single guy just separated).

I've looked around the site and want to know if the routine for length and girth posted by Redzulu2003 is a good place to start. The big thing now is figuring out what all that stuff is! Gonna read up on all this and how to do it this week and then start after I figure it out. I'd like to not use any devices to start as I have my kids coming over a lot and my new girlfriend. Would be weird if they found anything. So, one question: there is mention of a clamp or a cock ring. No idea what either of these are or what to do with them. Mention a shoe lace would also work. Tie it around the base? the shaft? how tight? Confused.

Thanks for the offer to ask you questions. I expect I will take you up on that as I proceed. Looking forward to seeing the thread you post.

If anyone else has any helpful advice LMK. Thanks.

A clamp is put on the base of your penis and the purpose is to hold in all the blood so you are fully engorged. The idea is to clamp off your penis while it is at full size, kegel in a bit more blood, clamp it off and then start doing girth work while you are clamped off. This is definitely not for beginners.

A cock ring is something that is also applied to the base of the penis, but after a girth workout, to keep that pump on as long as possible. At the end of my girth workouts, I tie a bathrobe cord around my balls and base of penis and I keep a pumped penis all night as I sleep. It really works. I've had times after an intense girth workout where I have woken up in the middle of the night while being tied off and my erection was an inch and a half bigger in girth than it was normally. Pretty cool.
Don't tie too tight. I'd say start very loose then work your way up as the days go on. There are also many exercises where you grip the head of your penis and the base of your penis like two clamps and squeeze hard so that the middle is expanded and different variations. There is also an exercise that Redzulu developed where you take the rim off a condom, wrap it around your head twice, and do girth work, and it expands your head size. They also make pumps that you can work specific parts of the penis.

A lot of people wear the shoe lace or a cock ring after a girth workout and have sex, because it keeps the pump.
curt.the.squirt;481302 said:
Hello my name is curt and I never had a problem until a year ago when me and my girlfriend broke up after 7 years we started to date in high school and we deflowered each other well about a year and a half ago I was in an accident while wrestling in college and I was put on hard pain pills and got addicted to them and lost everything to them my wrestling scholarship my appt which soon led after many failed attempts to help me! My love of my life. Soon after she left me sitting in a daze at my parents house I decided I wasn't going to have this and checked into a treatment program and have been sober a little over a year! But back onto to point when i returned to my home town and called my ex girl friend a familiar voice answered which wasn't her! It was a guy whom I had wrestled with for many years and had a rep of having a giant penis and I seen it over the years and i thought my 7 1/2 size was perfect but this guy has a huge member. I never just sat there and stared at it but it was almost like a car crash u don't want to look but can't look away! I was in dis belief that she had moved on. So i went out and had a few one night stands and they always just felt okward cause I had only ever had sex with my ex. and. we were trained to one another so i was. determined. to get her back so about 2 months ago we finally started seeing one each other again and everything is great....... except sex! She doesn't enjoy it anymore it seems and when we do have sex all I can think about is how another. Man pleased my girlfriend better than I can and to top it off I can't last any longer than a minute cause I stress my self out about it. Its all I can think about I even started to lose sleep over it (which is why I am up right now) which brought me to your sight and now I am on a journey to increase my size so she can be please red to how she likes. Forgot to mention she is not the same in bed anymore she seems like she is not getting any bit satisfied while it lasts. So i will start the program tommorow morning before work and let the gains begin! My goal is 9 inches which doesn't compared to my wrestling teammate but is reasonable and should satisfy her I haven't set a goal on girth yet since I haven't measured it I will be on this site regularly in my experience and am proud to be a member!

Well the facts are you got addicted to something, were having a rough time with life, she left you because of it, when you were broken up she was fucking with some guy with a huge penis that probably set the bar to unreasonably high standards for sex for her, and now she has come back to you. I'd say fuck her, sounds to me like she isn't shit and deserves to have severely narrowed her enjoyment of sex from normal men by being selfish and immature. That's just my opinion, I don't know the whole story, but I'd say move on dude.
From what you tell us, it seems like this girl isn't going to stick around. Penis Enlargement takes years. She seems to not care enough or have enough self discipline to wait around for you. Fuck her! Go experience life. Being owned by another human being is horse shit and I suggest anyone who is needs to change it immediately.
Hi. My name is Sema. My size is 6 inches long with a 6 inch girth. I don't know whether to increase my lenght to 7 inches or to be happy with what I have. I just want to ask is a quick question. Is 6x6 a big size or just mere average.
Sema;482215 said:
Hi. My name is Sema. My size is 6 inches long with a 6 inch girth. I don't know whether to increase my lenght to 7 inches or to be happy with what I have. I just want to ask is a quick question. Is 6x6 a big size or just mere average.

6 inches starting girth is very good. You should focus primarily on length, and do girth exercises only the complement your length exercises
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