Length devices are great. But from my experience the bathmate only gave me temporary girth gains alone. But when I started combining manual girth work jelqs, ssj, squeezes, clamping,edging,compression's,along with the bathmate and a cock ring after girth workouts. Is when I started to make some real solid gains. For me my penis doesn't want to grow with the bathmate alone. Also from what I understand the bathmate is a more external girth workout were manuals,clamping,jelqing, edging, along with kegels are internal girth workouts. So if you want some big and faster girth gains I suggest mixing the two. Im thicker then I've ever been and the woman love it ;P.
acromegaly;644118 said:
maybe? i dont know how many jelqs would equal one 20 min bathmate perhaps 300 jelqs? I dont know if you can even compare them. Even if you had a mastery over PE and a good mind-body connection how can you compare manuals and devices, for me manuals are to move blood and maintain erection and the devices are the heavy duty work. clamping is a whole other kind of expansion it seems because you are working vascularity and EQ. to me its comparing apples and oranges because imo there should be a place for everything

Agree whit your words i think the devices are for the stubborn penis and the skeptical minds,i have been using hands only,lately whit the devices things are a bit more interesting..n they make me feel that gains are easier to get but yeah theres a place for evrything..
Bacheelor;644119 said:
I must say that i totally agree on this one. I for one can not understand when people on different pe forums express themselves that BM is not the primary PE tool, manual excersizing is. I guess everybody is different and responds differently, in my world BM is number ONE with manual excersizes not even being a close second. NO manual excersize with my bare hands or any clamp for that matter will give me the same temporary EXPANSION as BM.

I think the BM can get us permanent gains after a reasinable period of time using the device...girth n lenght we can gain both IMHO
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I think the two can do an amusing job at gaining in both ways girth and length. The only component I would miss would be the SizeGenetics because it is so good with healing as in SRT.
shortdick;644121 said:
yep ive realized that its way easier to focus on one thing first i get to obsessive sometimes cause want to get both but its not an easy thing...

It's happening to me too whenever I'm thinking about my future penis size and imagining banging a chick, I just feel like doing both exercises at once but doing one exercise first is the surest way to go. Hopefully, the Hydromax X50 will come out this year.
huge-girth;644195 said:
It's happening to me too whenever I'm thinking about my future penis size and imagining banging a chick, I just feel like doing both exercises at once but doing one exercise first is the surest way to go. Hopefully, the Hydromax X50 will come out this year.

I have not heard of an X50....I think there is probably more use out of an X60 than an X50. So the X60 could replace the Goliath.
stillwantmore2;644071 said:
I honestly feel a proper, intense manual girth routine can never be trumped by any device. My best girth sessions were intense manual squeezes followed by clamping.
In my mind the only thing that is better than a manual girth routine would be a cock crusher device. But of course I believe manual girth routines should be done as well. Extreme caution should be used if these are attempted. Only for the well condition cock as these use a clamp plush a crushing device to widen and girthen the penis.THESE SHOULD NOT BE ATTEMPTED TELL YOUR PENIS IS USED TO CLAMPING OR INJURY MAY CAN OCCUR. http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/printthread.php?t=51698&pp=20
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pogzee;645025 said:
meaning ??? isnt it clear enough already ??? lol

what if you could pick the size of your bathmate the same way you pick the dimensions of your cylinder on other pump websites? that would be amazing imo everyone could have a perfectly fitting bathmate...
acromegaly;645358 said:
what if you could pick the size of your bathmate the same way you pick the dimensions of your cylinder on other pump websites? that would be amazing imo everyone could have a perfectly fitting bathmate...

what do you mean by perfect fitted bathmate ??? if the pump is bigger than your dick and when you pump you dick comfortably fits inside in length and girth then whats the issue ???
yes three sizes are there for obvious reasons.....well i am fine with this.....
but yes your suggestion can be helpful for all those who want perfect fiitted ones..
youknowme123321;645357 said:
I'm all about tools for all forms of PE.

Well there might be 100 men on earth who need a pump bigger then the goliath

How many inches can the Goliath fit Darn i have fun whit the X40 n i still have room inside the chamber definitely i still have some time, before i start to consider a bigger BM:p
shortdick;645399 said:
How many inches can the Goliath fit Darn i have fun whit the X40 n i still have room inside the chamber definitely i still have some time, before i start to consider a bigger BM:p

When I get to 9inches bone pressed, I will concentrate mainly on my Hydromax X40 and max it out. Hopefully, the X50 will be out by then. I will buy the X50 and Phallosan to get to 10 inches length and 7 inches girth. The future is always bright because of PE.
shortdick;645399 said:
How many inches can the Goliath fit Darn i have fun whit the X40 n i still have room inside the chamber definitely i still have some time, before i start to consider a bigger BM:p

The Goliath will handle a whopping 11+" x 7.5+"!
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