
>The feeling of the BTB jelq is a bit odd, and I'm not really sure how far I can jelq upwards. Bib any idea in general as to how far is appropriate. I manage to do about 1-2 inches and do about 50 strokes in between sets, should I cover more distance and add reps? What was yoru general protocol like?<

The reps are probably fine. As far as distance, do what feels right for you. I guess I probably ended up jelqing the entire shaft, from close to the bulbs, to near the head, at some point during the day. While I was wrapped, I obviously only jelqed that portion of shaft not covered by wrap.

I know many times I only jelqed true BTB, gathering the blood, and pushing it past the wrap. That is about it.

I've noticed something just over the last few days I've been using the BTB jelq. My girth seems tremendous, it feels hard even if it's about mid-erect. I felt something sort of hard and callous the first time I did the BTB, but last night the tissues still felt hard but a bit more flexible, as if I had some plaque as you put it in the veins and arteries in the region. My head has started to fill with a bit more blood and stay that way. My sessions are going very well at the moment and feel very productive since I've altered my setup a bit.

when you say you jelqed from the bulbs to the head, how did you manage this, in different sections of a jelq? One hand BTB jelqing and the other taking the blood the rest of the way, sort of like a conveyor belt? That just seemed interesting to me.

I rewrap everytime I take off the hanger because the wrap goes up over my head usually and I have to reset anyway so I save myself all the tugging and pulling on the wrap and just rewrap. Is this not a good thing to do?

I am having a bit of head tenderness at the very front of my head, and right underneath this section at the attachment of the skin to the underside of the head. It's actually really tender, but I'm not feeling any tenderness in that area when I'm hanging. I think it may be becauase the skin on the outside of my head where I grip for my PA routine have gotten a bit roughed up this week and they needed to heal so I have been tugging from the very front out when I needed to wrap, and this is probably right on the nerve, so I don't think it's a problem but it is getting better.

Bib I also had a problem a few times from my skin breaking into little blood spots right around the circ scar. I think I wore the hanger too tight and the head was down stuck in between the two sides of the hanger, but I don't know. Any ideas as to what may be causing this?

>I've noticed something just over the last few days I've been using the BTB jelq. My girth seems tremendous, it feels hard even if it's about mid-erect. I felt something sort of hard and callous the first time I did the BTB, but last night the tissues still felt hard but a bit more flexible, as if I had some plaque as you put it in the veins and arteries in the region. My head has started to fill with a bit more blood and stay that way. My sessions are going very well at the moment and feel very productive since I've altered my setup a bit.<

That sounds about right. It was a long time ago, but I can relate to what you described. How old are you BTW?

>when you say you jelqed from the bulbs to the head, how did you manage this, in different sections of a jelq? One hand BTB jelqing and the other taking the blood the rest of the way, sort of like a conveyor belt? That just seemed interesting to me<

No. What I meant was, at some point in the day, all of the shaft would get jelqed. I would do the BTB jelqing while wrapped for hanging, pushing the blood up past the wrap and making sure the tissues above the wrap had plenty of blood. Then, after unwrapping for the day, I would jelq the rest of the shaft, returning full circulation to all the tissues, bathing the tissues in blood.

>I rewrap everytime I take off the hanger because the wrap goes up over my head usually and I have to reset anyway so I save myself all the tugging and pulling on the wrap and just rewrap. Is this not a good thing to do?<

As far as the jelqing goes, it is OK I guess. I did not do it that way, but my way is not right for everyone. It sounds as if you may not be wrapping quite tight enough. Remember, you want a solid bundle of wrap, but loose enough to allow circulation. There is a happy medium. Just practice.

>I am having a bit of head tenderness at the very front of my head, and right underneath this section at the attachment of the skin to the underside of the head. It's actually really tender, but I'm not feeling any tenderness in that area when I'm hanging. I think it may be becauase the skin on the outside of my head where I grip for my PA routine have gotten a bit roughed up this week and they needed to heal so I have been tugging from the very front out when I needed to wrap, and this is probably right on the nerve, so I don't think it's a problem but it is getting better.<

It could be that. Or it could be that the wrap is too loose, not solid enough to allow the hanger to grasp the bundle properly. Work on your wrap technique a bit.

>Bib I also had a problem a few times from my skin breaking into little blood spots right around the circ scar. I think I wore the hanger too tight and the head was down stuck in between the two sides of the hanger, but I don't know. Any ideas as to what may be causing this?<

Where exactly are the blood spots? In front of the wrap? Beneath the wrap? Does the hanger pressure contact the area?

I think the problem is the wrap. I have been trying to keep the ciculation good, and I suppose sometimes the wrap is not tight enough. When it's not tight enough the skin that sits up above the wrap is pushed forward over the head, and underneath this section right at the beginning of the wrap is where the blood spots occur (right on the circ scar). When I'm all attached and ready to hang the setup is similar to SWMs with how his skin pulls forward over the glans. I have a section that squishes together if the wrap is not tight enough and it causes the skin to break out in spots because of the pressure.

I have been experimenting a bit with the tightness of the wrap between what is too tight and too loose. If it's too loose the blood spots show up. If it's too tight ciculation is poor and the glans gets cold. I'm going to take pictures of my setup and post them in this thread, and I'd like to hear your opinion on my setup. I've been wondering if the wrap should force the skin over the head, and that some of the wrap sits right behind the front side of the glans. This is the most comfortable setting but I just want to get your thoughts on it to be sure, couldn't hurt.
Here are the pics of me wrapped, setup to hang, and hanging. Bib, let me know if the pics are adequtely lit and if they are clear enough for you to assess them. Thanks so much. I did the best I could taking the pics all I have is a dinky webcam, but I got them taken so it's all good, hopefully.


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No, I cannot tell much from those pics. A bit too small and not very clear. Also, I do not think you can post them here. You might ask DLD, but I think they are supposed to be in the pics section, and linked from here to there.


A couple things I can see that concern me: I see the leading edge of the wrap moving to your actual head. This is not supposed to happen. The wrap should only stay on the shaft skin. Why do you think that is happening? We need to discuss that.

Then, your hanger is not adjusted correctly. If that is your actual hanging tightness, etc, then your top gap is too wide. The teeth are not quite meshed enough.

If during those pics, you had the hanger tight enough to hang the amount of weight you desire, then you need to move the bottom hex nuts out a few turns.

What is the thicker area of the wrap, that looks a bit orange?

The thicker area is ace wrap. I situate the hanger over the ace wrap at the thickest part, and I usually spiral it down so the distribution is even.

Last night I moved the hex nuts out a bit more and the top gap came together much tighter than in these pics. My main concern is the wrap coming over the head. How should I remedy this?
BIB, I also altered the distance from the top of the wrap and the head and the skin doesn't roll over the head and the wrap stayed in place. I wrapped a bit tighter and moved the top gap closer together to where it is almost completely meshed and the wrap did not slide and the internal structures were gripped very tight and I did not feel any pressure on my head but on the shaft. Have I finally gottten this right?

>BIB, I also altered the distance from the top of the wrap and the head and the skin doesn't roll over the head and the wrap stayed in place. I wrapped a bit tighter and moved the top gap closer together to where it is almost completely meshed and the wrap did not slide and the internal structures were gripped very tight and I did not feel any pressure on my head but on the shaft. Have I finally gottten this right?<

Well, that sounds perfect, but I cannot be sure. If it works for you, then it is great!

About the Ace wrap on the outside: I have never had success with Ace wrap, because the normal Ace wrap seems to be too bulky.

It's not the standard ace wrap, it's the sport wrap which is a bit thinner and has a velcro attachment at the end which makes securing the wrap much easier than using tape.

I will be paying close attention to where the load is felt during my sets to make sure that I have this right. Am I correct in thinking that the head should receive very little to no pressure from the hanger or any of the load?

>Am I correct in thinking that the head should receive very little to no pressure from the hanger or any of the load?<

That is correct. At most, the shoulders of the head should take load, but mainly shaft further down. At very high weights, the shoulders take a good bit. I could always feel when I did not have the hanger tight enough, or placed correctly, and the head would begin to take the stress.

I'm wondering if I have had the hanger too tight for my last few sessions. I'll start the session and the head will have no stress but then there is blood flow into the head and it stays there, but it's not direct pressure from the hanger as the stress is on the shoulders. So what do I need to do so that the blood flow doesn't cause my head to have pressure or bruise?

>I'm wondering if I have had the hanger too tight for my last few sessions. I'll start the session and the head will have no stress but then there is blood flow into the head and it stays there, but it's not direct pressure from the hanger as the stress is on the shoulders. So what do I need to do so that the blood flow doesn't cause my head to have pressure or bruise?<

I am probably not understanding the question. Do you mean the later sets have more pressure on the head? Do you mean your head fills with blood while the hanger and weight are attached?

It seems to fill with a bit of blood during the start of each set, because when I set the hanger the head is soft and pliable, but I check maybe five minutes later and the head is hard and not very pliable. I've noticed that if the hanger is very tight that it seems to give me a "bolt" of excitement, and I think this maybe because my circ scar is extremely sensitive and if the hanger is very tight then it's squeezing the circ scar and that's where the blood comes from. It also feels like I'm trying to get wood at the beginning of the set, and I think it's because of the pressure on the scar. What do you think I should do, or is it an alteration of the hanger settings in order?
I am having similar trouble with the skin coming up over my wrap. It's killing me. I couldn't finish what I've been able to in the past with ease. This is the second time it's happened. My skin is so fat on the underside from the skin spilling over. I have massive discoloration as well. How far up the shaft begin your wrap millionman? I've tried moving the wrap up after each set or two. I started to use a heating pad during workouts to maybe alleviate the pain and get rid of any swelling, but it has only made the skin a bit more sensitive it seems.
IWANT8, what do you mean that the skin comes over the wrap? Does it look like what happened in the pics I took, where the wrap is coming over onto the head?

As far as the discoloration I have tightened my wrap a good bit, so not it's a very solid base for the hanger to sit on. I also brought the hex nuts in just a little bit, and not there's no pressure on the head but on the shoulders. I'm still trying to find out why my head still has blood flow into it and that's where the pressure comes from, so I'm hoping BIB can help with that.

BIB, how much further up the shaft should the wrap be places when hanging over 12 lbs? I haven't really ventured over that weight except for 15 lbs for a set or two about a month back, but that was before I made the adjustments. I'm trying to get into a consitent routine, wrapping consitently, and placing the hanger consitently. It's been a new and different experience. I think one of the issues I am still having to deal with is how far the hex nuts should be and how tight the top gap should be comparatively. How should I determine this?
What I mean is that there is a part of skin starting above the circ scar and ending almost halfway down the shaft that spills out over the wrap. The skin gets bunched up outside the wrap, rubs against the wrap and head, and adding the pressure from the weight the skin becomes discolored and raw. It's like a fat lip sort of on the underside of my shaft, which is raw and burns while I hang. It happens after the first two sets usually and today it happened after the first set. I'm thinking only rest will serve me well. I hate resting because I think I have to work harder to get back to where I was. I'll have to bite the bullet I suppose.
I have something similar, as far as the excess skin, and I have more at the bottom and it does tend to "pucker" a bit when the hanger is attached. What I have found though is that if I wrap tightly enough I can kind of sinch it down a bit and not have to worry about this section of skin breaking out in blood spots or with the skin over growing everything else. Does this make sense to you IWANT8 cause I think it may help you if you wrap a bit tighter and check the settings of your hex nuts to see if you are sitting on the shoulders of your penis as opposed to sitting on the head and on this section of skin. This was where I was having a bit of a problem, but now everything seems to be just fine.

>It seems to fill with a bit of blood during the start of each set, because when I set the hanger the head is soft and pliable, but I check maybe five minutes later and the head is hard and not very pliable. I've noticed that if the hanger is very tight that it seems to give me a "bolt" of excitement, and I think this maybe because my circ scar is extremely sensitive and if the hanger is very tight then it's squeezing the circ scar and that's where the blood comes from. It also feels like I'm trying to get wood at the beginning of the set, and I think it's because of the pressure on the scar. What do you think I should do, or is it an alteration of the hanger settings in order?<

I do not believe hanger settings, or anything else will help if you are trying to get wood after the hanger is on. For the same reasons the hanger allows circulation, it will also allow you to get a partial wood, and therefore higher head pressure. I went through a bit of the same thing in the beginning, but after a while, my penis learned the difference between work and play.

One thing you might try is loosening the wrap just a bit. Now, I know you are trying the wrap a bit tighter, and that is fine. I am writing about just loosening a bit, especially on the first couple of passes of your wrap. That should allow for return blood flow, and let the blood circulate through the head, and not build up pressure. Hanger tight, wrap loose (relatively).

>BIB, how much further up the shaft should the wrap be places when hanging over 12 lbs?<

Probably none. Unless, once again I am missing the point. When I moved up to around 30 lbs, I would have to move the attachment point a little closer to the base, but not much. This was to give a bit more cushion to the head. I suppose all of this is really dependent on each guy.

>I haven't really ventured over that weight except for 15 lbs for a set or two about a month back, but that was before I made the adjustments. I'm trying to get into a consitent routine, wrapping consitently, and placing the hanger consitently. It's been a new and different experience.<

Woah there! You may be disappointed. About the only thing consistant for me over my hanging career was the inconsistancy of it. I always found myself changing things, due to one thing or another. It was a matter of reviewing the evidence, and trying to make things work the way I wished. Usually, this required simple, small changes.

>I think one of the issues I am still having to deal with is how far the hex nuts should be and how tight the top gap should be comparatively. How should I determine this?<

It is all trial and error. That is all you can do since you do not know if the bottom hex nut adjustments are right until you have the top bolt tightened to see the grip and the top gap. It usually does not take very long to get it right. I always recommend five minute sets during this experimenting stage, until you get it close.


There could be a couple of things involved in your problem. Both of which I have experienced. You do not have to suffer with this, just experiment.

What I believe is happening, if I understand correctly, is you are getting fluid buildup on the underside of the foreskin. The skin is bulging, becomes very tight while hanging, and is almost a stinging sensation. Is this right?

Naturally,when the hanger and weight is applied the hanger and wrap attempt to move down. Even with good adjustments, and good internal structure grasping, the pressure will still be increased on the skin. Any skin discomfort will be enhanced by this pressure.

For the time being, you may need to take a day or two off, to allow the skin to heal. Then, come back and try the advice below.

First, how tight, and what kind of wrap are you using? I tried a couple of different types of wrap that were not elastic enough, did not allow for circulation, and made the pressure on the underside foreskin unbearable.

These are the exact things that I did to beat the problem. First, while the skin was sensative at all, I would use a small piece, 2"x6", of sweat shirt material as my first pass of wrap. While not elastic, this small piece of comfortable material will give, because it cannot become tight.

Each time the hanger is attached, and the weight applied, the force downward caused the area in front of the wrap, toward the head, to swell a bit. If the front passes of the wrap cannot give, then the pressure builds up even higher. If the first pass or so is a small piece of SS material, when the pressure is applied, and the area in front of the wrap swells, the material slides across itself, and the pressure does not build. Did that make any sense?

Next, I would use Theraband for the rest of my wrap, starting about a half inch down the SS wrap. The first couple of passes of Theraband would be very loose, and as I spiralled down, would become slightly tighter with each pass.

The next thing that helps with this is hanger adjustment. Several times when I had the underside foreskin swelling, I found that the hanger was gripping too tightly on the bottom chamber. The hanger is designed to put pressure on the top sides of the two major chambers, and almost none on the bottom chamber.

I would wrap for upper shaft and head expansion, and from time to time, found the the bottom of my hanger had become too tight. So be sure to check that.

Finally, during my hanging for maintanence stage, while I was also doing extreme Ulis, I had to fight the underside foreskin thing. The girth work just naturally made the skin more sensative, and caused some swelling. This area would suffer because of it.

Hope this helps,

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