Tahir Aqbar

May 23, 2012
So I've been hitting the crack pipe all morning and I thought of this crazy theory... just kidding. I don't smoke crack but I do want to share this theory I have about penis size demographics, history, and how it impacts the sexuality of men in our modern society. Before I being I'm going to establish what I have, after reading this forum and researching for too long what the average American penis size is - 5.5 EL. This is pretty much because most Americans are white males of northern European decent. So now you ask, what about race... not countries... just race and penis size? This is my idea on what is average: Negroids - 6.2-6.5 EL and 4.5-5 Girth, Caucasoids - 5.5 EL and 4.5-5 Girth, Mongoloids - 4.5-5 EL and 4-4.5 Girth. There are exceptions to the statistics such as Australian Natives who are a cross between the Negroid and Mongoloid races, there are Arabs, Persians, Afghans, and Indians who are all sub groups of the Caucasoid race who throw off the statistics, there are other Mongoloid sub races like the Mongolians and Huns who were and are built larger than stereotypical Mongoloids, and it is the same with Negroids where there are many sub races that somehow were completely exterminated or vanished from the face of the earth like the ancient Egyptians or many of the tribes in Sudan. Lastly we have the American Indians. The fucking Indians. They always fuck with me so much because there is no scientific proof I have found that links them to any of the 3 major races aside from Mongoloids.

So how does civilization effect penis size? Our idea of civilization is groups of people who unify and establish a stationary home. That home eventually becomes a city, which evolves into a kingdom, or republic, or empire, or whatever. Before any a group of people establish a permanent home they develop a system of leadership that disregards being led by the oldest of the tribe. If you look at any tribe you will find that the man who makes the big decisions usually is some old ass mother fucker. And the fact is, very few governing decisions are ever made in a tribe. People's freedom is maximized and which allows a man to indulge in his "ID" while his ego and super ego are rarely used in his though process. This means that a man can focus on his instinctual drives like food, sleep, and sex. Because the man has no system of care and is practically on his own he maximizes his entry into the world where he hunts, kills, eats, has sex (or rapes if the mate is not in the mood), and sleeps and does it all over again the next day.

I believe that by the man being forced into the world and the harshness of the environment from birth directly effects the size of his penis. As men we require a sense of accomplishment every day or else our brains get fucked up and we go into depression or develop self esteem issues. These issues invest themselves in our mental development and physical development. How many kids did you know in school who went hard as fuck and were skinny weak? How many kids did you know who were totally wimps and just grew huge muscular bodies like the 16 year old defensive tackle who could squat 315 for reps? Your body grows as a reflection of your mind. In a cave man/tribal society men are forced from a young age to extend themselves into the world and toughen up, just like a penis grows extends and grows hard. Because of this more men were driven and had higher self esteem.

This is directly linked to modern populations. Indians, Arabs, Chinese, Koreans, and Japanese have the oldest civilizations in history. The Indians actually have the oldest of all of them. And look at their statistics on penis size. Then look at Europeans. We have southern Europeans like Greeks, Italians, and Spaniards (as well as Berbers who are white but come from Africa) who were the first to establish modern civilizations. The ancient Romans actually found large penises repulsive and I think it was because their enemies, the Germans, Welsh, and Scottish who were tribal and uncivilized had much larger penises than Romans. The Scandinavians were the last of the whites to accept modern civilization and look at they stereotype of Irish having the largest penises of the white race. Lastly, we have Negroids in Africa and Australia. It wasn't until the 1800's when Europeans established societies and began assimilating blacks into civilization. Granted, the Muslims did have an effect on Somalia and some of west Africa, but at large, most Africans were not part of modern societies. There are also the Native Americans who really fall under many categories. There are the North American Indians who we all learned about in U.S. history and then there are the Aztecs, Mayans, Inca, and so on who developed nations and empires in central and south America. We really don't have any information on their penis size but what I have found from studying the offspring of Aztecs and Spaniards (Mexicans) is that they are very insecure about their penis size and have very weak sexual vitality. But do not confuse Mexicans with Salvadorians, Cubans, Peruvians, Brazilians, or Colombians. They are a very different mix of American Natives and Europeans and even Africans.

In conclusion, civilization decreases penis size and causes all sorts of mental and physical problems among humans.
Umm... ok, interesting. Maybe it's time to lay down the crack pipe dude :DD
Expo;520721 said:
Umm... ok, interesting. Maybe it's time to lay down the crack pipe dude :DD

Only if I get an intervention episode made about it.
Tahir Aqbar;513134 said:
In conclusion, civilization decreases penis size and causes all sorts of mental and physical problems among humans.

First let me say that I too have been hitting the crack pipe all day! In addition I have done enough meth to kill a small village. Ok, that was first, second I can't remember...Let me smoke a little more Sherm and get back to you...
doublelongdaddy;520746 said:
First let me say that I too have been hitting the crack pipe all day! In addition I have done enough meth to kill a small village. Ok, that was first, second I can't remember...Let me smoke a little more Sherm and get back to you...

Haters gonna hate. I still think this theory is legit.
Tahir Aqbar;520902 said:
Haters gonna hate. I still think this theory is legit.
I agree with you Tahir and also encourage you delve in even more into this subject. LMAO in the intervention do you sit on your dog and get exposed by your girlfriend for having ED because of said drugs?
If that's the episode then I'm in I could play Tony
and DLD could play Paulie but who will play the girlfriend ?:(
RUBY10";520924 said:
I agree with you Tahir and also encourage you delve in even more into this subject. LMAO in the intervention do you sit on your dog and get exposed by your girlfriend for having ED because of said drugs?

Oh God. This is getting out of control.
Tahir Aqbar;521078 said:
Oh God. This is getting out of control.

<iframe width="853" height="480" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/6sOpbRL8R4g" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Dapper Dan;521588 said:
This is penile anthropology

The third paragraph is on point.

Good post.

Thank you. It's good to hear something constructive on this thread.
Tahir Aqbar;513134 said:
So I've been hitting the crack pipe all morning and I thought of this crazy theory... just kidding. I don't smoke crack but I do want to share this theory I have about penis size demographics, history, and how it impacts the sexuality of men in our modern society. Before I being I'm going to establish what I have, after reading this forum and researching for too long what the average American penis size is - 5.5 EL. This is pretty much because most Americans are white males of northern European decent. So now you ask, what about race... not countries... just race and penis size? This is my idea on what is average: Negroids - 6.2-6.5 EL and 4.5-5 Girth, Caucasoids - 5.5 EL and 4.5-5 Girth, Mongoloids - 4.5-5 EL and 4-4.5 Girth. There are exceptions to the statistics such as Australian Natives who are a cross between the Negroid and Mongoloid races, there are Arabs, Persians, Afghans, and Indians who are all sub groups of the Caucasoid race who throw off the statistics, there are other Mongoloid sub races like the Mongolians and Huns who were and are built larger than stereotypical Mongoloids, and it is the same with Negroids where there are many sub races that somehow were completely exterminated or vanished from the face of the earth like the ancient Egyptians or many of the tribes in Sudan. Lastly we have the American Indians. The fucking Indians. They always fuck with me so much because there is no scientific proof I have found that links them to any of the 3 major races aside from Mongoloids.

So how does civilization effect penis size? Our idea of civilization is groups of people who unify and establish a stationary home. That home eventually becomes a city, which evolves into a kingdom, or republic, or empire, or whatever. Before any a group of people establish a permanent home they develop a system of leadership that disregards being led by the oldest of the tribe. If you look at any tribe you will find that the man who makes the big decisions usually is some old ass mother fucker. And the fact is, very few governing decisions are ever made in a tribe. People's freedom is maximized and which allows a man to indulge in his "ID" while his ego and super ego are rarely used in his though process. This means that a man can focus on his instinctual drives like food, sleep, and sex. Because the man has no system of care and is practically on his own he maximizes his entry into the world where he hunts, kills, eats, has sex (or rapes if the mate is not in the mood), and sleeps and does it all over again the next day.

I believe that by the man being forced into the world and the harshness of the environment from birth directly effects the size of his penis. As men we require a sense of accomplishment every day or else our brains get fucked up and we go into depression or develop self esteem issues. These issues invest themselves in our mental development and physical development. How many kids did you know in school who went hard as fuck and were skinny weak? How many kids did you know who were totally wimps and just grew huge muscular bodies like the 16 year old defensive tackle who could squat 315 for reps? Your body grows as a reflection of your mind. In a cave man/tribal society men are forced from a young age to extend themselves into the world and toughen up, just like a penis grows extends and grows hard. Because of this more men were driven and had higher self esteem.

This is directly linked to modern populations. Indians, Arabs, Chinese, Koreans, and Japanese have the oldest civilizations in history. The Indians actually have the oldest of all of them. And look at their statistics on penis size. Then look at Europeans. We have southern Europeans like Greeks, Italians, and Spaniards (as well as Berbers who are white but come from Africa) who were the first to establish modern civilizations. The ancient Romans actually found large penises repulsive and I think it was because their enemies, the Germans, Welsh, and Scottish who were tribal and uncivilized had much larger penises than Romans. The Scandinavians were the last of the whites to accept modern civilization and look at they stereotype of Irish having the largest penises of the white race. Lastly, we have Negroids in Africa and Australia. It wasn't until the 1800's when Europeans established societies and began assimilating blacks into civilization. Granted, the Muslims did have an effect on Somalia and some of west Africa, but at large, most Africans were not part of modern societies. There are also the Native Americans who really fall under many categories. There are the North American Indians who we all learned about in U.S. history and then there are the Aztecs, Mayans, Inca, and so on who developed nations and empires in central and south America. We really don't have any information on their penis size but what I have found from studying the offspring of Aztecs and Spaniards (Mexicans) is that they are very insecure about their penis size and have very weak sexual vitality. But do not confuse Mexicans with Salvadorians, Cubans, Peruvians, Brazilians, or Colombians. They are a very different mix of American Natives and Europeans and even Africans.

In conclusion, civilization decreases penis size and causes all sorts of mental and physical problems among humans.

Man you are so fucking right.

The pussyness of our society kills the male and his weapon.
Girls wanna act hard as man and males act like they are pussys.
Woman dont need a male to survive so they start to move into a position of power and males dennounce themselves and lower them to the goddesses the TV paints into our brains.
This has direct influence on hormones and thus creates an enviroment of weak dicks.
They give us underwear that is similar to a slow castration process.

Then all the processed stuff we eat with all the soja produces guys who have vocies like chicks and then they wear pants so tight starving their dicks from breathing.

And the bitch beeing upset of me pulling out and pissing right in the street dreams all night of my hard on penetrating her craving for my semen.

I eat meat all everyday day. no vegi carb shit. Im expanding my dick to the max and realized that I have everyday millions of little me's wanting to seed an egg.
I embrace the animal in me and control it through my human spirit.

This modern society is a shell and once you realize that it cant take you over. Know and embrace the animal in you.
Word. The feminist movement completely ruined our society. But I learned, and this has been confirmed as I've studied sociology, that unless we live in North Korea we really do have the freedom to live outside the social norms. I interact with everyone on my terms. I create the rules. And the better I get at mastering this alpha male energy I put out into the world, the better everything gets for me. I've been living like a paleo man for almost a year now and it's working great. Whenever I talk to girls everything that comes out of my mouth is gold and I never hide my true intentions. Sure it doesn't work for every girl - that's just biology. But the overwhelming majority of women I interact with, no matter what their relationship status is, I know I leave them thinking about how they want to sin with me.
Tahir Aqbar;521855 said:
Word. The feminist movement completely ruined our society. But I learned, and this has been confirmed as I've studied sociology, that unless we live in North Korea we really do have the freedom to live outside the social norms. I interact with everyone on my terms. I create the rules. And the better I get at mastering this alpha male energy I put out into the world, the better everything gets for me. I've been living like a paleo man for almost a year now and it's working great. Whenever I talk to girls everything that comes out of my mouth is gold and I never hide my true intentions. Sure it doesn't work for every girl - that's just biology. But the overwhelming majority of women I interact with, no matter what their relationship status is, I know I leave them thinking about how they want to sin with me.

Great stuff man. hAcK that society. I had to cut friendships cause I couldnt take the idiocracy anymore. Im sick of all the sheep. They know soemthign is wrong but they dont want to hear it..
But well, more meat and woman for us.
dickerschwanz;521868 said:
Great stuff man. hAcK that society. I had to cut friendships cause I couldnt take the idiocracy anymore. Im sick of all the sheep. They know soemthign is wrong but they dont want to hear it..
But well, more meat and woman for us.

Haha. Exactly. And, I forgot to say in my last post, FUCK SKINNY JEANS.

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Tahir Aqbar;521874 said:
Haha. Exactly. And, I forgot to say in my last post, FUCK SKINNY JEANS.

Strong words over here, this I agree with the most. But it's funny, by the way, I used to wear really tight jeans and this one guy still reminds what me remembers of me from that time: my bulge. I wonder if he's gay, haha! (This was several years ago, 6-7 or so.)
Seriously, commando or boxer shorts + nice pair of loose fitting jeans suits me very well. And so comfortable!
well i would have to agree with this theory but only slightly... yes physical activity governs penis size, because physical activity conditions the heart and the heart effects penis size. Due to the fact that africa (middle and southern) was isolated from civilization by the sahara until the slave trade became "trendy" meant that they held onto a primarily tribal lifestyle (i prefer manual labor and survivalism so i experience this theory first hand) which forced an inhabitaqnt of a more natural lifestyle into an adundance of not only a physica lifestyle but a "penis healthy" diet. and not all Black men have big penises, they are actually on average close r to most white men, morethan you would think. One thing that is extremely difficult to document would be the spread of islam and arab culture. If i am not mistaken Arab culture was the first to begin penis enlargement, and they had encircled aall of the mediterranian (middle east, southern europe, and northern africa). from what i have heard it is the arabs, that on average have a larger penis size than any "race" of peoples. This would mean that some of the africans and some of the europeans are on the top percentile of penis size while the rest (from both continents) are on the bottom or middle of percentiles. We all know how the �naked people movies� industry manipulates its viewers to thinking that they have a small penis and need pills (meanwhile not informing us about Penis Enlargement) in order to sell more money and capitilize on a natural insecurity of men. But yes civilization CAN kill penis size. I work 7 days a week,Construction for 5 and landscaping for 2 (sometimes walking as much as 20 miles during landscaping meanwhile lifting heavy objects all day). and have a very intense workout schedule 5 days a week after construction. without even doing Penis Enlargement my dick has been growing, harder, then girthier and lastly and leastly longer, but nonetheless it has been growing. I am only 24 btw and was somewhat of a late bloomer.
BWC;529185 said:
well i would have to agree with this theory but only slightly... yes physical activity governs penis size, because physical activity conditions the heart and the heart effects penis size. Due to the fact that africa (middle and southern) was isolated from civilization by the sahara until the slave trade became "trendy" meant that they held onto a primarily tribal lifestyle (i prefer manual labor and survivalism so i experience this theory first hand) which forced an inhabitaqnt of a more natural lifestyle into an adundance of not only a physica lifestyle but a "penis healthy" diet. and not all Black men have big penises, they are actually on average close r to most white men, morethan you would think. One thing that is extremely difficult to document would be the spread of islam and arab culture. If i am not mistaken Arab culture was the first to begin penis enlargement, and they had encircled aall of the mediterranian (middle east, southern europe, and northern africa). from what i have heard it is the arabs, that on average have a larger penis size than any "race" of peoples. This would mean that some of the africans and some of the europeans are on the top percentile of penis size while the rest (from both continents) are on the bottom or middle of percentiles. We all know how the �naked people movies� industry manipulates its viewers to thinking that they have a small penis and need pills (meanwhile not informing us about Penis Enlargement) in order to sell more money and capitilize on a natural insecurity of men. But yes civilization CAN kill penis size. I work 7 days a week,Construction for 5 and landscaping for 2 (sometimes walking as much as 20 miles during landscaping meanwhile lifting heavy objects all day). and have a very intense workout schedule 5 days a week after construction. without even doing Penis Enlargement my dick has been growing, harder, then girthier and lastly and leastly longer, but nonetheless it has been growing. I am only 24 btw and was somewhat of a late bloomer.

24 is a great age for penis enlargement! Your body is just finishing natural growth and you can train on the heals of that growth. What are you currently doing for a routine?
doublelongdaddy;529258 said:
24 is a great age for penis enlargement! Your body is just finishing natural growth and you can train on the heals of that growth. What are you currently doing for a routine?

I would say that i am doing the DLD newb routine but instead of manual stretches i choose to use a weighted hanger

currently i am using the snake hanger, BTC, sometimes at 5 lbs sometimes at 10. sets of 20 mins. I don't yet have a set routine. I am in a hard cast on my right leg up to my knee which makes hanging and jelqing a hassle. somedays i will do a set at 10 lbs and then a set at 5. other days like today i will do 4 sets at 5lbs. I will be out of the cast in a week so i am just doing what i can when it is convienient. I prefer to stand up and hang and stand up and jelq. sometimes bracing myself for the full 20 mins of hanging makes the cast uncomfortable. Tonight i still have 2 more sets of hanging at 5 lbs and some jelqs to do. I completed 150 yesterday, 600 the day before, 350 before that, 450 before that, 400 before that, 350 before that, 333 before that, and many consecutive days of 300. Once i get out of the cast and i am able to drive myself to where i need to go instead of relying on a housemate or nearby friend i will be able to get myself into a set schedule and progressivle increase the repetitions/sets/intensity.
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