Yes indeed I remember behind the ball joking. Are used other ways to express internal penis but this exercise is also great at doing the same. In order for an exercise to be an expressive exercise is usually at a low point where you attach or grip your penis. So any low shaft stretches are called expressive. The best possible way to do express of stretching is using the LM.

Does the __________ stretch feels like expressive stretching? Since it's pulling the penis from the base?
Does the __________ stretch feels like expressive stretching? Since it's pulling the penis from the base?

Yes anything that is down towards the base of the penis is considered expressive.
Wow, all these bumps lately I bring back some serious memories. I truly hope people read things and get as much as I can out of it.
hey all, i am a pretty new member to this site, but have been pe ing about a year and a half. anyway, the title pretty much says it all, i been experimenting with base stretches, expressive stretching and thought,"Why not expressive JELQING? Basically, its a dry jelq halfway up the shaft starting with the standard ok grip but BEHIND THE BALLS as i feel this works the inner penis behind the balls underneath as well as forces an extreme base grip at the pelvis. i feel this works to melt away the fat pad a little around the base of the penis as well as train the base. and ive gained a little over 1/8th an inch NBPenis EnlargementL in just a few days adding these about ten minutes a day! cheers!

This seems to be a very good exercise to give a try.
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