Active Member
Jul 14, 2009
some people will never discover the PE benefits can i call them benefits,guys getting divorced penis size? who knows maybe that could be a reason,haha maybe giving orgasms to your love one can keep the pussy around even if the guys are assholes hahaha.
Hmm, to me it is a bit mixed.

1- I wish more people knew about PE. That way everyone would have had a better version of himlsef. Everyone would have been more confident (now I know that when you increase the size you definitely get a confidence booster!), everyone would have been a better lover (since PE is not only aboyut size, it is about Penile Health and sexual life improvement), a healthier man etc.

2- I wish not so many people knew about PE, cause now I feel like we are special. The ones that know about PE and it is something ours. If everyone does something- over time it loses its specialness and you differ fromno one. But having PE be done by us only (the PE community which I bet is not a community of over 5 million maybe) makes us different and really special.

It is very hard for me to explian it, but if I have to be honest- I'd like PE to become popular! Cause if I had never found about MOS- I would have continued being miserable. So I wish more people find about that place! :)
Zam - I agree with all points. I think PE will continue to become more and more popular as time goes by. DLD has been at it for over 10 years and has seen its popularity increase. in the next 10 years i am sure its popularity will increase 3-4x as much as it did these previous 10.
I'm afraid of the time, when PE will be really well known. There will be so much pressure on every man to work his dick to at least 8 inches...
those who can not reach that for whatever reason will be considered really short plus not willing to work on themselves enough.
pdevil - i get what you're saying. i dont think it will be any different then it is for the guys who don't exercise to have a great physique. some men who don't have a great physique for whatever reason may feel insecure about their bodies and some won't.

it will have different impacts on different men.
youknowme123321 - Well, I see your point.
As someone with a mediocre physique (not fat, but also not muscular), who doesn't find the time, motivation or energy to really work on that, I can tell you, I do feel kind of insecure about it.
I don't like the fact, that I would have to work on something constantly, which I don't enjoy, in order to be able to compete.
Now if it's about the dick, the level of insecurity would be much higher, I guess.
So then men will have to work on their careers, their bodies and their dicks, which will be quite time consuming. I think it would be nice to have time for other things in life.

But I might see it too negative. :)
pdevil- Taking time to work on yourself is never a wasted time. In fact- I believe it is the best spent time! Now as you gave these examples- all of these- people don't do them cause the "HAVE TO", they do them because they want to. We work on our dicks not cause we feel like we must compete with someone else- we do it because we want to become better men to our wives, more confident people- walking around with a confident step and a feeling of joy and well being (cause that is what true confidence is). I see your point- that it is good to have time for things in life, but it is a PERSONAL choice on what to do with their bodies- no one forces anyone to workout, do PE etc. Everyone (and I mean EVERYONE) has 24 hours a day and it is HIM (her) and HIM (her) only who decides what to do with that time. So if you prioritize something- then spend your time doing it. We are not forced to improve ourselves- we want it ourselves! :)
Pdevil - zam took the words out of my mouth. I exercise and do PE b/c i want to. i also immensely enjoy changing the way the body looks through exercise increasing strength. This is why i was drawn to PE.
My case was similar evenso nobody ever told me about the possibilities of growing but I was almost sure, that I could change the size of my penis..found aboutDLD and his exercises and I have been around for years..
Keeping things low key then, bedides gaining inches aint that easy after all..
Zam and youknowme - I get your point, and I agree, that it is good to work on yourself. It's also good, if you enjoy improving yourself.
My point was, that there is something like pressure from society on all of us, and it's human nature to compare yourself to others.
I think if you grew up in a world, where the average penis was 9 inches, but you (like most men still) would have been born with 6, you would feel obliged to do PE, and nobody will ask you, if you like to do it.
Of course you could be lucky and enjoy doing it, but that's not my point.

Actually, I hope I'm wrong... and the positive aspects will be outweighing possible negative ones.
pdevil- "there is something like pressure from society on all of us, and it's human nature to compare yourself to others." I agree that would make the 6 incher feel pretty bad, yes. And yes, I do agree that it is in our human nature to vompare ourselves to others. The only thing I do not agree with is that "and nobody will ask you, if you like to do it.". Yes, it might (not 100% of the cases it does) worry the 6 incher, but it is him and him only that makes the choice whether to PE or not. The way you wrote it- it is as if everyone is forcing him to grow so he can be accepted and live by their standarts. It is all a game of mind and how you look at everything around you. At that point- it would be the 6 incher, and the 6 incher only that would force himself to grow (if he feel uncomfortable knowing everyone is bigger than him!). For example- My whole family (both mom and dad's families) is short. I am a 21 year old and I am 5'4 (and still taller than most of the members of our family). I have always been the shortest in class or wherever and it really used to make me feel bad (cause that's how I was born), but as time passed I started feeling better and better in my own skin and now I feel good enough to the point where I feel no less than tall people and don't feel like I "have to" grow taller or anything. I got comfortable to the point where I started making fun of my height calling myself "Goddamn midget". AHHAHAHHAHAHHA!!!!! But I see your point- if I ever started doing "Height incrase" it would be to make me feel better, not because of all the peole around me would want me to be like them. :)
Zam - that's a nice post. And I can and absolutely can not relate to the height thing. I'm 5'10, and when I stopped growing and almost every classmate got much taller, I felt terrible. I always had this answer in my head, that I heard from women on television when asked about their perfect man: 'He should be tall, at least 5'11. For me it was like: 'No, I didn't make it! I can never be good enough for any woman!". It took me years (and my first real girlfriend) to feel better about myself, and even now I sometimes feel tiny.
Anyways, I understand, that you see it as a choice to do PE for the 6 incher, and it sure is in a way, as nobody will put him into jail or shoot him, if he doesn't do it.
But you agreed, that he might feel uncomfortable and worried. There will be a lot of these young men feeling uncomfortable, as the average natural penis size will probably not increase so much, so PE being more popular will lead to more men being way below average.
You seem to say, that it's their choice to either do PE or feel uncomfortable. That doesn't sound like a real choice to me.
The only other choice would be to feel good about themselves being way below average (and maybe not what the average woman will expect and demand at that time), and I agree, that it's always good to feel comfortable with yourself, but not everybody is that strong.
I guess, if there was an easy way to increase height naturally, you would have done it until you would have been at least average (I would have done it until I was 6'2 at least).
Now imagine, if everybody increased their height, and so much more work would be needed to get to the new average (and maybe it would become impossible for some).
Most of the unfortunate guys, who were born with a 3 inch cock, would never be able to get close to average, if average would increase a lot.

Still, I definitely agree with you, that many things depend on how you look at them. It took me a long time to learn that, as I used to be a very depressed person, who would see all the bad things in the world, until it was not even possible anymore to see anything good.
I'm happy for everyone, who achieved feeling confident and good about himself. :)
pdevil- "You seem to say, that it's their choice to either do PE or feel uncomfortable.". No, I don't say that, I say:
"The only other choice would be to feel good about themselves being way below average". I say that if the 6 incher feels good about being a 6 incher- then he has no reason to do PE. But, on the other hand- if he feels bad and "less of a man"-then he would want to PE himself. We all do it cause we want to, not cause we "HAVE TO". :)
p & z - rather then thinking of a humans tendency to compare ourselves to others as human nature, what do you think about that tendency having more of a societal influence? here in the USA we are bombarded with the idea that more is better. more money...more cars....more women...more size. we live in a society that promotes accumulation. the more you have the better off you are. or at least the more other people think you have, the better off you are.

growing up i was this way. i used to want the most expensive cars and nicest everything. i've never been rich but when i first started working as a nurse and making very good money i started spending it lol. but as i looked to improve myself, with happiness at the core of my self improvement, i realized and learned what and where this accumulation disease was coming from. TV tells me buy this and do that to be cool. you see it in school when another gets something and everyone else wants it.but none of this necessarily leads to greater happiness and life balance. it most often does the exact opposite.

so with that said, i strongly believe our tendency to compare ourselves with other is very much influenced by our environment more so then it just being in our human nature
youknowme- what you wrote ( "we are bombarded with the idea that more is better. more money...more cars....more women...more size. we live in a society that promotes accumulation. the more you have the better off you are. or at least the more other people think you have, the better off you are.
" ) really gets me back to another discussion of ours ( Greed - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ) (I bet that link is enough for you to get me 100%). LMAO! Feels really good having you around mate, making you a mod was the best thing they could do- it is users like you that influence me to stay here on MOS (because I am here for the brothers and all the people who need help AND myself as well! :) ) and maybe are the 100% reason why some of the newjoined are around! Respect to you!!!
zam - thanks for the kind words zam. i enjoy you being here as well.

as for what i said being linked to greed i can see why you would be reminded of our previous discussion. i am not speaking of the desire to accumulate or humans tendencies to compare as being a thing of greed though. when i was younger and wanted a mansion and fast cars i was not greedy. i just thought these things came with happiness and made you cool. wanting a bigger dick because other men have bigger dicks and the idea that women will like your bigger dick i feel is rarely linked to greed.

what do you think about what i was asking though? about a humans tendency to compare with others being more greatly influenced by societal norms then being a part of our human nature
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youknowme123321;620465 said:
zam - thanks for the kind words zam. i enjoy you being here as well.

Reply with quotes is back:) I know it has been confusing for all of us not to have access to that...I hope things are fixed for good this time.
pdevil;620389 said:
I'm afraid of the time, when PE will be really well known. There will be so much pressure on every man to work his dick to at least 8 inches...
those who can not reach that for whatever reason will be considered really short plus not willing to work on themselves enough.
Columbus"discovered"America.We found out about PE we looked for it we found it.PE is only for the ones that looked for it,never had a word about PE i found it surfing the web,whitin my soul i knew there was a possibility of changin the things that afflicted my spirit..
Zambrodom3;620462 said:
youknowme- what you wrote ( "we are bombarded with the idea that more is better. more money...more cars....more women...more size. we live in a society that promotes accumulation. the more you have the better off you are. or at least the more other people think you have, the better off you are.
" ) really gets me back to another discussion of ours ( Greed - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ) (I bet that link is enough for you to get me 100%). LMAO! Feels really good having you around mate, making you a mod was the best thing they could do- it is users like you that influence me to stay here on MOS (because I am here for the brothers and all the people who need help AND myself as well! :) ) and maybe are the 100% reason why some of the newjoined are around! Respect to you!!!
We live in societies where you are what you own,if you dont own material possesions you are nothing,a nobody,human dignity is something worthless and meaningless for some...
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