
Oct 17, 2012
i got a few questions about kegels. i read things about how kegels make your erections harder and last longer.
however i wanted to know if they help with gains.

my questions: do kegels help you gain girth?
do they give you a bigger flaccid hang?
and if they do help gain girth, how many and how long would it take to start noticing gains?
From what I have read. Kegels are mainly just to strengthen your pelvic floor (I think that's what it is called). I am positive that they do not increase gains but are very easy to do and very beneficial. They may increase flaccid hang, not too sure about that. Hopefully somebody can clarify and confirm what I just typed.
Kegels exercise the entire body of the pelvic floor muscles. These are the muscles responsible for erections strength, the ability to hold more blood, and this is very important as the penis becomes larger. With length and girth comes the necessity to fill those new areas with enough blood to keep good erection quality and the exercise that does this is Kegels. Also, once more is learned on Kegels and Reverse Kegels many special abilities may be realized like having an orgasm and not losing erection or multiple, male orgasm and other very cool effects. They are the silent majority of the health of your penis and should be done with as much effort as stretching or jelqing or any other pe exercise.
thanks guys. another question.

I've been doing kegels for a while but its been hard for me to get an erection to start my exercises and i
havnt really been able to keep an erection for a long time
while jelqing or doing SSJs.

Am i doing something wrong?...
and i also don't really use �naked people movies� will Penis Enlargementing
jayyy;529710 said:
thanks guys. another question.

I've been doing kegels for a while but its been hard for me to get an erection to start my exercises and i
havnt really been able to keep an erection for a long time
while jelqing or doing SSJs.

Am i doing something wrong?...
and i also don't really use �naked people movies� will Penis Enlargementing

Some kind of erotic material would be helpful in staying up for the exercise. You mention �naked people movies�, there is a broad range of visual, audio and stimulatory ways of accomplishing this without �naked people movies�. Now, �naked people movies�, the tern is also broad. What one considers art can be �naked people movies� to another.
I have ED and one of the ways I am able to achieve and maintain an erection is by applying a tight tension band (specalized cock ring) around the base of my shaft. Once applied, I need to kegel in blood in order to achieve an erection. Even while erect and inside my wife, I continue to kegel in more blood to increase the engorgement such that my girth is increased by an additional 1/2 inch beyond my normal girth. I assume this is the same technique used while clamping. Accordingly, I believe kegeling under these circumstances, helps to increase girth.
jayyy;529710 said:
thanks guys. another question.

I've been doing kegels for a while but its been hard for me to get an erection to start my exercises and i
havnt really been able to keep an erection for a long time
while jelqing or doing SSJs.

Am i doing something wrong?...
and i also don't really use �naked people movies� will Penis Enlargementing

You might try Hegre or MetArt if you're not into hardcore.

...I know these things
Can't that stuff still make you start to lose your erection in the long run though?
For me, personally, I didn't like doing Penis Enlargementing with �naked people movies�. I got too dependant on it and later with my ex-girlfriend I had the HARDEST time achieving an erection and maintaining one. Now, its different for everyone. Some guys can still be super hard even with a �naked people movies� mentality and others are in my stand point. But I like to "get in touch" with myself for that. Like edging or balloning, I visualize sexual things and I get turned on and hard rather quick. Then when I actually watch �naked people movies�, before the credits roll I'm hard! ;p I suggest reading a erotic story and let your body do the thinking.
Many consider what we do as �naked people movies� and this same injustice is applied to many art forms that feature the beautiful human body. Sad really how guilty men feel when enjoying the art of the body, to me I cherish all things that come to me as coming from the Lord in the most literal sense, therefore I try not to indulge in any one pleasure too much, all things in moderation. As I said, erotic art, music, photography, video, it is all a capture of the beautiful form that is the human body.

Overindulgence and Gluttony are to any pleasure a extinguishing of the flame of passion by the nature of our own human ways. It is through respect and discipline that all things are enjoyed in appreciation and moderation.
also, i always get the urge to masturbate after a session. is there any way to prevent that urge
doublelongdaddy;529882 said:
Many consider what we do as �naked people movies� and this same injustice is applied to many art forms that feature the beautiful human body. Sad really how guilty men feel when enjoying the art of the body, to me I cherish all things that come to me as coming from the Lord in the most literal sense, therefore I try not to indulge in any one pleasure too much, all things in moderation. As I said, erotic art, music, photography, video, it is all a capture of the beautiful form that is the human body.

Overindulgence and Gluttony are to any pleasure a extinguishing of the flame of passion by the nature of our own human ways. It is through respect and discipline that all things are enjoyed in appreciation and moderation.

Exactly DLD! I don't watch like hardcore �naked people movies� but I will from time to time look up nude photos and what not. I still love the female body!
IAmatheBishop;531144 said:
Exactly DLD! I don't watch like hardcore �naked people movies� but I will from time to time look up nude photos and what not. I still love the female body!

Indeed. I think many fear seeing the body sensually as lust or, if they look upon another, with sexual appreciation they may be fornicating but these two terms are greatly confused in the translation. Lust is not a sin, in fact, sin itself is not even a present term in the Old Testament in regards to it being an offense against God. Sin is a term derived from archers and their missing the mark, this was called sin. In this understanding Jesus used this term to mean men missing their mark of God by the favoring of pleasures. So lust, much like being lazy or boastful is a doorway to offense. Jesus said that there are no laws for man but the discipline of his passions and the love of his Father in Heaven. ANything, done in excess, has the potential to take you off the straight path. Exercise discipline in all things!

We also do not have anything that resembles a thing called Satan, the Devil or any other interruption of what is called "The Morning Star" or "The Son of the Morning" This term translates very poorly from Aramaic and Hebrew to Greek, Latin and finally French and English. To understand the teachings of the Bible it is very important to learn Biblical Hebrew and understand it's relationship to what the Torah and the Gospels are really explaining. In my formal training I studied Catholicism and Apostlelistic Teachings. Later I studied Greek and Latin to gain a better understanding and the ability to pray in the native tongue of the Roman Catholic Missal. I further studied theology, biblical geology and history where I further gained greater understanding. Over the last 10 years I have studied Hebrew, Aramaic, Egyptian to further gain greater understanding into the original origins of faith.

The body that has been created is there for us to love with all our hearts and have a deep appreciation and respect for it. Lusting or coveting as such, to justify an offense against the self, which is an offense against God, is where the line is crossed. Masturbation is in no way discussed in any books of the Bible. Sexuality is largely discussed by the prophets, especially about Sodom and Gomorrah, but it is very important to understand exactly what was happening there and why it was destroyed. The seven deadly sins, also known as the capital vices or cardinal sins, are more of a classification of objectionable vices that lead to self offense, offense of other or of God. Wrath, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy, and gluttony are not the offense themselves, it is through these states that we are tempted to fall away from God.

Respect all things within the limits of your ability to stay of the righteous path. Become greater by becoming attune with Love of God and your Brothers. Do not seek rewards here on Earth, do all for God in hopes of Eternal Life and forgiveness for the offense we may have caused through our ignorance and lack of control. Jesus said, a man only need to wash his feet to be clean, this should be understood as do nor evil by your hands, do only good, the only place you with ever be dirty is by the feet that touch the Earth and the dust of evils of this world. Jesus also said, When doing good do not let the right hand know what the left is doing, this is above all will bring favor in the eyes of the Creator and that reward will be made for you in Heaven.

Do the right thing, say you are sorry, say thank you, let the last go first, give everything you can, carry your cross and do all in the hopes of a greater life on Earth and a part in the fellowship that has been promised to those with this understanding!
makemebig;529844 said:
I have ED and one of the ways I am able to achieve and maintain an erection is by applying a tight tension band (specalized cock ring) around the base of my shaft. Once applied, I need to kegel in blood in order to achieve an erection. Even while erect and inside my wife, I continue to kegel in more blood to increase the engorgement such that my girth is increased by an additional 1/2 inch beyond my normal girth. I assume this is the same technique used while clamping. Accordingly, I believe kegeling under these circumstances, helps to increase girth.

Try Bathmate, it cures ED
doublelongdaddy;531158 said:
Indeed. I think many fear seeing the body sensually as lust or, if they look upon another, with sexual appreciation they may be fornicating but these two terms are greatly confused in the translation. Lust is not a sin, in fact, sin itself is not even a present term in the Old Testament in regards to it being an offense against God. Sin is a term derived from archers and their missing the mark, this was called sin. In this understanding Jesus used this term to mean men missing their mark of God by the favoring of pleasures. So lust, much like being lazy or boastful is a doorway to offense. Jesus said that there are no laws for man but the discipline of his passions and the love of his Father in Heaven. ANything, done in excess, has the potential to take you off the straight path. Exercise discipline in all things!

We also do not have anything that resembles a thing called Satan, the Devil or any other interruption of what is called "The Morning Star" or "The Son of the Morning" This term translates very poorly from Aramaic and Hebrew to Greek, Latin and finally French and English. To understand the teachings of the Bible it is very important to learn Biblical Hebrew and understand it's relationship to what the Torah and the Gospels are really explaining. In my formal training I studied Catholicism and Apostlelistic Teachings. Later I studied Greek and Latin to gain a better understanding and the ability to pray in the native tongue of the Roman Catholic Missal. I further studied theology, biblical geology and history where I further gained greater understanding. Over the last 10 years I have studied Hebrew, Aramaic, Egyptian to further gain greater understanding into the original origins of faith.

The body that has been created is there for us to love with all our hearts and have a deep appreciation and respect for it. Lusting or coveting as such, to justify an offense against the self, which is an offense against God, is where the line is crossed. Masturbation is in no way discussed in any books of the Bible. Sexuality is largely discussed by the prophets, especially about Sodom and Gomorrah, but it is very important to understand exactly what was happening there and why it was destroyed. The seven deadly sins, also known as the capital vices or cardinal sins, are more of a classification of objectionable vices that lead to self offense, offense of other or of God. Wrath, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy, and gluttony are not the offense themselves, it is through these states that we are tempted to fall away from God.

Respect all things within the limits of your ability to stay of the righteous path. Become greater by becoming attune with Love of God and your Brothers. Do not seek rewards here on Earth, do all for God in hopes of Eternal Life and forgiveness for the offense we may have caused through our ignorance and lack of control. Jesus said, a man only need to wash his feet to be clean, this should be understood as do nor evil by your hands, do only good, the only place you with ever be dirty is by the feet that touch the Earth and the dust of evils of this world. Jesus also said, When doing good do not let the right hand know what the left is doing, this is above all will bring favor in the eyes of the Creator and that reward will be made for you in Heaven.

Do the right thing, say you are sorry, say thank you, let the last go first, give everything you can, carry your cross and do all in the hopes of a greater life on Earth and a part in the fellowship that has been promised to those with this understanding!

I have a different belief when it comes to sin and lust, but I respect what you have to say DLD. Its awesome that you have a profound and adamant belief in Jesus and God the Father!

I believe that we just need to decipher between our purpose and our pleasure. It is not a problem to fawn over a beautiful woman and all that e has to offer, but the moment out mindset changes to "oh my goodness! I want to rip that pussy in half!" Or something like that, everything changes. Then our reeasons for doing Penis Enlargement or being with a woman or even our prespectives in life itself may change. It happened to me too many times. I began to lust for the wrong things and I was totally messed up. But now I know that its ok to look and be with a woman, as long as my intentions are right. And I Penis Enlargement with a purpose, not to have the "oh my gosh, its big!" Look, so much as I want to better myself and accomplish something new iin my life.

I'm so thankful to have found out about Penis Enlargement and the MoS site because I can be even more dedicated and determined to focu on my goal of becoming a bigger and better man, physically and mentally. I think that its good for all of us to take a step back and understand why we are doing this and get a more enlightened, broader look on how and why we do Penis Enlargement or exercise. We will see so much clearer on things and come back to training harder than ever because we have a purpose.
Wow DLD my respect and admiration has yet again soared for you brother! this life is but a wink in time compared to eternal existence so, we should enjoy every facet of this temporal human experience.I am happy to share this experience with all of you here.I continue to learn from all of you. your input blesses and inspires me in all things, not just Penis Enlargement.the brotherhood rocks and may the Creator walk with you in never ending joy!
docwood70;531539 said:
Wow DLD my respect and admiration has yet again soared for you brother! this life is but a wink in time compared to eternal existence so, we should enjoy every facet of this temporal human experience.I am happy to share this experience with all of you here.I continue to learn from all of you. your input blesses and inspires me in all things, not just Penis Enlargement.the brotherhood rocks and may the Creator walk with you in never ending joy!

To them who have understanding let the message be heard! Bless God in everything!
DLD or anyone,

I learned about REDZ contricted boas and I was wondering if I could just throw a cock ring under my glans, kegal blood to head then throw the Bathmate on for 20 minutes? I tried that today and glans looked good but I wanna make sure this could be helpful b4 i throw it in my routine.. What do u guys think?
I've done that but I have never noticed bigger glans because of it. I would say give it a shot and if you don't see results try the manuel exercises

EDIT: Also I would like to suggest I have been super setting the Bathmate with clamping and slow squash jelqing, jelging, and horses and the last week have been noticing WAY bigger flaccid hang and my post pump lasts a good 15 hours. I would definitely suggest doing the Bathmate supersets rather then just doing the 20 minutes. I did the just 20 minute a day route for months and can say now SUPenis EnlargementRset NOW or you will just waste time
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