ChilDsh;651255 said:
How do i even to erect streches..i've tried but my skin goes up...powder doesn't work.HELP LMAO
I pull my skin back and hold the tip of my penis. I give it a pull with my right hand and pull my balls down with my left hand. Now the skin is full back. To give it a power pull I put my left hand on the wrist of my right and now I pull it much hard. I feel the streching my ligs.
master_mind;651704 said:
I pull my skin back and hold the tip of my penis. I give it a pull with my right hand and pull my balls down with my left hand. Now the skin is full back. To give it a power pull I put my left hand on the wrist of my right and now I pull it much hard. I feel the streching my ligs.

That is a great description. Also, it is good to know that erect stretches will not feel as intense as flaccid stretching but they are still doing great service to cementing gains. It is also important to split the stretches between upward, outward and down, this will address all parts of the penis from the Tunica to the Ligaments.
You are correct with flaccid pull i feel the maximum pull. I do this excersice when i am out of town and cannot take my devices.
master_mind;651898 said:
You are correct with flaccid pull i feel the maximum pull. I do this excersice when i am out of town and cannot take my devices.

Excellent to know. You are out of town now, correct?
ChilDsh;651255 said:
How do i even to erect streches..i've tried but my skin goes up...powder doesn't work.HELP LMAO

I have 3 different ones that i do.

1 get erection. Grab underneath with overhand grip. Pull out.

2. Gey erect. Push skin back and grab all the way at the base of the penis with reverse grip. Now get a really tight grip. What i like to do is to make a jelq/ pull. So basicly there is so much blood in my penis that my hand wouldn't lose the grip. (So squeeze the base of the penis. And pull out)

3. Get erect and try and push the penis out in different directions. You will find that in some directions the penis will have a lot of resistance.

(For me it i feel alot of it if i push it to the right.)

This can actually give a lot as what you are currently pulling is the last resistance from those gains you have been worked on. It has given me instant bigger size many times.

4. Edging! Learn how to pump more blood into your penis! I have literally sat and looked at my penis breaking personal bests purely by flexing that pc muscle.

I think this is a must to teach the body to use the new size that you archive during trainings

- - - Updated - - -

Ohh that was 4 and not 3 sorry about that
Aimingforthetop;652801 said:
I have 3 different ones that i do.

1 get erection. Grab underneath with overhand grip. Pull out.

2. Gey erect. Push skin back and grab all the way at the base of the penis with reverse grip. Now get a really tight grip. What i like to do is to make a jelq/ pull. So basicly there is so much blood in my penis that my hand wouldn't lose the grip. (So squeeze the base of the penis. And pull out)

3. Get erect and try and push the penis out in different directions. You will find that in some directions the penis will have a lot of resistance.

(For me it i feel alot of it if i push it to the right.)

This can actually give a lot as what you are currently pulling is the last resistance from those gains you have been worked on. It has given me instant bigger size many times.

4. Edging! Learn how to pump more blood into your penis! I have literally sat and looked at my penis breaking personal bests purely by flexing that pc muscle.

I think this is a must to teach the body to use the new size that you archive during trainings

- - - Updated - - -

Ohh that was 4 and not 3 sorry about that

Thanks for a great response with incredible detail! A huge reason you are a leader here.
Your right man I wouldn't be surprised if girls come way harder if they are emotionally attached to the dick. Females are just more emotionally available, and dopamine comes from being in love from helping your brother any of those things make you feel good.

I can't remember exactly what acromegaly said but it was along the lines of "you don't need to have a ideal penis to be a ideal lover".
parvezalamsid;652931 said:
Surveys have repeatedly shown that the size of the penis is usually unrelated to sexual prowess. Size! However remains the ultimate male dream.

You keep making the same post all over the forum I'm watching you.
huge-girth;653076 said:
You keep making the same post all over the forum I'm watching you.

My Mod!:)
I heard DLD say somewhere that length shows up in flaccid stretched first. Is there any generally accepted wisdom on what to expect here? That is to say, do you gain stretched, then flaccid, then erect?

I ask as I've never really done length work prior and have only been on Phallosan/stretches a few weeks. Definitely no erect gains yet, but my flaccid hang is looking triumphant

You gain flaccid first, this is from my years of training. Most people on the forum will tell you the same thing.
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