
  1. habban

    How to use cockring as passive pe?

    Following the SRT to heal in a passive state with a cockring. I basically don't know in which erection state and how tight i should put the cock ring on after a workout? Should i put it tight enough so the penis doesn't shrink at all and the blood is stuck, like when you clamp, only that i let...
  2. T

    Can someone please diagnose me

    I've been doing pe since June 2015 No length gains at all I recently started picking up the intensity and wrapping well and even using my length master I still can't gain Why!?
  3. jekyllnhyde360

    Woke up and said time to make some GAINS!

    Over six years ago i found MOS, definitely one of the best discoveries i made in my early adult life, i gained so flippin' quickly, like seriously quick length, but girth didn't come in at all at first, not until i started clamping and hardcore girth exercises, i have an incredibly rigid tunica...
  4. T

    Home made cock ring?

    How do I make a home made cock ring?
  5. Simyan

    I've outgrown my foreskin

    due to the great gains I have been making, I have realised my foreskin is not long enough. During my erect work and bathmate, too much stress is being placed on the frenulum. I have never seen my skin roll so far back. I msut say, this is an excellent problem to have. Will start doing daily...
  6. Mlathem

    Injury? or just Irritation? ------ Bottom of Glans and top of penis shaft discomfort

    Hey guys, so i am currently doing a Jelqing and stretching routine. I have noticed that my bottom of my glands get irritated when i touch them like a slight pain sensation (more of the feeling like something rough is rubbing up against them) i can also feel it in my top part of my shaft right...
  7. M

    no girth gains help

    hello manes in the last four months i have been trying to gain girth but without luck i have been doing bundled stretches before every girth session then 15 - 20 minutes of pumping with the dp 4000 i really like this pump for those that dont know this pump it is a pump where you can set the...
  8. 1

    Semester ends tomorrow. 4+ HOURS of PE Everyday for 1 month??

    I'm happy to say that my semester ends tomorrow. I now have as much time to do PE as I please. I want to break up my schedule into 2 hours in the morning and 2 hours at night. Should I do this and do you think that this amount of time put into it will produce gains faster or should I just stick...
  9. I

    Penis more elastic, but not necessarily longer

    Hello all, forum newbie here. So I've been doing PE for just over a year now. When I first started, I saw a gain of 0.5" (went from 5" to 5.5" erect) within the first 3 months, but then my gains stalled. Thing is though, I can stretch out my penis A LOT more than when I first started. I've...
  10. megzobo

    Dry Jelq or Wet Jelq

    So from what I understand, jelqing wet uses two hands. You do one stroke with an OK grip with one hand then start at the bottom with the other and keep swapping. With dry jelq, you start at the base with one hand, move up and barely lossen your grip enough to slide back down to the base. If I am...
  11. T

    My length master is giving me pain

    So my lm use to be great it use to work well it never hurt me I strapped it on great A few months later it hurts so bad i cant finish routine or be intense It slips up snd cuts me and my head I couldnt finish my last two days cause it was cutting me I already have 1 big cut across my shaft...
  12. G

    How to gain 0.5 inches of girth efficiently?

    Hello fellow dick enlarging enlargers, Are there any intense manual girth exercises/routines that can temporarily, but quickly, add 0.5" to my girth? When I say temporary girth, I mean to be used almost immediately for sex. I know the bathmate is a capable device, alas I can't get one atm...
  13. L

    What's dangerous but consistent?

    Are there any methods outside of priapism that are certain to be successful but are dangerous to try? Just curious. I've heard of unusual methods like injections and dht and all that so I just want to know what is out there on the unnatural dangerous side of things.
  14. Simyan

    Length Gains

    Up to 8.125" BPEL. Very happy that I've added another rod to my SG. I bought extra rods in september and have been using them since. At the moment, I have three LONG bars on each side, with a tiny one too. As in three of the really long bars and then one of the really tiny ones. Always...
  15. S


    I've been doing intense BM sessions for the past week and a half, and I started noticing that between sessions I would get parts where the skin was dry and flaking off and it would be pink after. It looks sensitive, but it isn't, I keep doing more sessions hoping it will chill out as my body...
  16. A

    Jelqing soreness

    Hey guys, its been a while, almost three months since I've came back to this site. Like I said before, I stopped using my Bathmate since college started since theres no privacy or time to use it. So, for the last 9 weeks, I have been jelquing consistently, about everyday for 30 min before...
  17. D

    VACHANGER: any one gain using lower weights (5 lbs and under) and longer times?

    I can't use this thing safely above 6 pounds. Was wondering if anyone used this thing successfully with low weights and longer time? Any advice?
  18. habban

    Temp Girth gains?

    Hello! I hear a lot of people talking about temporary girth gains after workout. Can someone explain this to me? The only temporary girth gain i can see is at the time i'm holding a squeeze from a jelq or ULI. Like when my jelqmotion is at the top my head is much bigger cause of all blood i...
  19. A

    Homemade clamp device with wraps

    For clamping I just get an erection and put a wrap around it hard enough do you think is right??. I doing it just 5 min right now becuse im just starting PE, but I really need girth fast, 4.1in isnt enough for most condoms :(
  20. habban

    How would this routine affect my penis?

    Hello! I just want some feedback on my routine. I really want to hit 5.5 inches in girth! To me girth is more important than length, but i still want length gains aswell. Warm Up - Rise sock - 5 minutes Tunica Tugs Bundled Stretches Bundled Tunica Tugs DLD Stretches. (Holding a stretch...
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