Jun 3, 2003
Standing here in my kitchen with a gallon of paint swinging between my legs connected to a BIB HANGER. This is my very first time, I wish I could tell Bib:(. Anyway this is totally supplemental for me. I am doing it in addition to PHASE 4. I will let everyone know how it goes. I must say though I don't know what the fuss was about wrapping and connecting it...I got my gear on in like 30 seconds flat..

Glad you finally popped that hanging cherry! The wrap and adjustments are a snap for me as well now that my finger is starting to heal.
Originally posted by Gardenier90

Now you should hit 15" in no time!!! ;)

I'll need to with a gut like mine:p
Somehow I can't get myself to hang. The thought of dismantling every 5-10 mins and re-tightening seems a lot of work and torture to the dick. What say DLD? Is it better than stretching? I tried hanging with a home made hanger and the dickhead would turn purple after a whole hanging session. It doesn't happen with stretching though...
Hey DLD, Nice Site!

I wanna start hanging soon. Trying to jumpstart my gains again. I gained like 3/4" in a 1 month period finally breaking the 7" BPenis EnlargementL mark(manual stretching)....and then I got lazy:O Haven't lost or gained anything in the 3 month's I've been off Penis Enlargement:)
Originally posted by AnotherGuy
Hey DLD, Nice Site!

I wanna start hanging soon. Trying to jumpstart my gains again. I gained like 3/4" in a 1 month period finally breaking the 7" BPenis EnlargementL mark(manual stretching)....and then I got lazy:O Haven't lost or gained anything in the 3 month's I've been off Penis Enlargement:)

AnotherGuy, Good to see you. I'm glad you made it over here.

Nice one DLD but how the fuck do you hang without hitting the floor, i mean with a 9" flaccid hang?
Thank fuck ya finally at it DLD.
You love it so BEWARE everyone and all Niggaz :p DLD will be 18 inches I say within 2 years of messing about with this stuff :cool:
I say get as big as ya can now DLD.......the hanging should be like a glove to you....it will suit you alot.
Tell us how it all goes.

If you get tired of the BIB device....keep messin with settings than try the AFB like I did......ApostleOfTriumph; I suggest you use this to start with, its easy and very effective.

Goodluck DLD........what do you think this could give you?
I use the AFB hanger that red is on about and its great and easy to make, only cost me like ÂŁ10 in materials. I LOVE IT.
Originally posted by pUNKY
I use the AFB hanger that red is on about and its great and easy to make, only cost me like ÂŁ10 in materials. I LOVE IT.

Isn't that like $12?
yup, the sites in my progress thread if you wanna have a look. That price was excluding the weights though.
Oh shit, DLD's hanging!!!
You're going to need a wheelbarrow to push your cock around in.
Originally posted by pUNKY
Nice one DLD but how the fuck do you hang without hitting the floor, i mean with a 9" flaccid hang?

You know whats funny is when I sat down the paint can sat on the floor so I had to sand the whole time:p
Originally posted by Gardenier90
Maybe you should buy a higher chair DLD? ;)

Good hint;) I forgot to get the weights today so I hung again using the can.
Originally posted by ItsElectric
How many lbs does the can equal out to?


I'm not sure but I tied a big ass brick to the top of the can today.
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