Psychology Mental Blocks Inhibiting Me?


Active member
Dec 18, 2018
Ok, so i recently joined the site after plateauing as a longtime bathmate and phallosan user. My goal is to gain, of course.

So I've started doing the newbie length routine... well, 50% of it. I have long found that my dick turtles after too much PE, especially length work. I re-discovered the UJW, and that seems to mitigate the turtling, or at least delays it til i take the wrap off. But when the wrap comes off, I turtle back with a vengeance. To like 2-2.5, from my typical 4.5" flaccid (5.5 w/ UJW).

This observation has always made me err on the side of less length work. But seeing how much even the newbie routine calls for makes me wonder if I need to just burn past this and go all in. I feel fear set in at the beginning of a length routine, and at any sign of a burn or discomfort, i wind down my workout. Like i said, i'll do about half the newbie stretches per session. And i don't even pull when i do bundled stretches. Just 0.5-1 twist and hold for 20-30 seconds on each side.

I put the phallosan down over a year ago after seeing no gains for a long period, and feeling like i was overworking and losing length, while always staying well within the green as far as tension. Also, having two small children affects my ability to be consistent with any of this.

Anyways, I'm stuck between fear of overworking and wondering if I'm just being a pussy.

I should add, I just bought a sizegenetics, and hoping that will help me gain.

I should also add that I have symptoms of depression. Tired constantly, despite decent amounts of sleep. Highly irritable. No real friendships. Love/hate/dependency thing with my wife. Tire out very easily at the gym compared to just a few years ago. Chronic low back pain that kills my EQ. Making my dick bigger seems to give me hope though.
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Hey there!

Sorry to hear about the shortcomings. One thing I would say that don't fear the turtling! I've also turtled, quite a lot and that was due to good workout. The penis goes to refactory period in a way. It might be disencouraging to see and feel your penis retracting, but it's one of the ways gains can happen.

Other members might agree and I'm sure there will be others to encourage you to keep on with your routines and to possibly push for more.
You have a good set of tools and more coming, so I think with proper guidance (likely from someone else than me :p ) and discipline with the routines you can gain!

I mainly wanted to come back to your last sentence. Depression, not enough energy at the gym and so on: have you had your testosterone levels checked? I'm asking because I have had same kind of symptoms and found out that my T-levels had dropped. Considering I'm "just" 32, it's weird but the levels can start to drop after 25.
I also don't have many good friendships. MoS is somewhat of a sanctuary for me, where I find men wanting to gain and to be able to talk about this subject. In real life I only have few friends I can talk openly with.

I hope you can get better with your family life. Gaining more size could equate to better sex life, possibly. And having a bigger member does usually boost self-confidence and overall wellbeing!
I can't give much guidance with relationships, as I'm basically a single guy.
But from the bottom of my heart I wish for you to make gains in more than one way!

In summary, keep at your routines, I highly suggest blood tests and I wish you and your family all the best.
Stay strong!
Ark made a solid analysis, your T-levels could be lacking...a 20 minute Dr. visit could change everything
@arkailija, thanks for your thoughtful response! I really appreciate that. I haven't had my testosterone checked, but I should. I just turned 40 a little while back, and need to make a certain notorious doctor visit already lol. So I'll bring that up.

As far as turtling equalling gains... huh... i haven't heard that one before. But i'll try to proceed without fear.
No problem!
Don't worry about the "check", just take a good dump before you go. ;) I've had mine checked few times, not a big deal.
Turning 40, yeah, there could be something with testosterone, it's a good thing to check it. I had vitamins D and B checked as well, those were OK. A short visit indeed can clear any confusion and possible solutions might be offered.

One could see turtling as a "protection mechanism" in a way. You work your unit to a certain extend and feel like you had a good session but your penis turtles. Penis is just saying; "Dude! Give me some time to catch my breath. That was intense!" :D
Carry on!
On a positive note, I did a bathmate +SSJ session shortly after writing this OP yesterday. Getting this off my chest felt liberating and I brought that feeling (along with some nasty fantasies lol) into my session. I got perhaps the best expansion in the tube I've ever had. Glans touching the sides of my X30 on both sides. Those SSJ's are no joke. And damn were my hands and wrists sore afterward.

I think the length work I started doing and the UJW has made for more potential in girth gains. If something is hanging lower, it's going to retain engorgement better, just because of gravity. And conversely, if it's thicker, it's going to hang lower from the weight. Girth and length have a symbiotic relationship.
On a positive note, I did a bathmate +SSJ session shortly after writing this OP yesterday. Getting this off my chest felt liberating and I brought that feeling (along with some nasty fantasies :D) into my session. I got perhaps the best expansion in the tube I've ever had. Glans touching the sides of my X30 on both sides. Those SSJ's are no joke. And damn were my hands and wrists sore afterward.

I think the length work I started doing and the UJW has made for more potential in girth gains. If something is hanging lower, it's going to retain engorgement better, just because of gravity. And conversely, if it's thicker, it's going to hang lower from the weight. Girth and length have a symbiotic relationship.

I am so happy that you took on the SRT bathmate routine and I’m so pleased that you’re gaining so well with it. The SSJ is no joke, when I created it and one of the exercise that would supersede all girth exercises. I feel I accomplished that with the SlowSquashJelq. The only thing that makes it better is he using the Bathmate and the way you’re doing it. Really thinking on it now I am hard-pressed to even dream of finding a girth exercise that is better than the SSJ. If there were it would be in SRT.
Yes! Thank you @DLD for the SSJ and so much more. I jad tried them a few years ago, but was scared by how deformed my dick looked after, and how i couldn't get hard afterward. I still fear injuring my dick with them. Some of my veins look like they're going to burst when I do it. I'm just using my intuition to judge how much I can handle, and so far ao good.
My current routine is focused on the newbie length routine, since I've never done anything even that intense, length-wise, let alone SRT-level LENGTHMASTER type exercises.

I will do that every day, taking days off as needed, spending healing time in UJW, SG and/or PF, and doing one or two days of girth work (BM + SSJ), instead of length work, as my schedule allows.

Keeping the right mental state is really tricky for me though. You guys are making it easier for me though!
Keep in the right mental perspective means being consistent with your progress thread. If you’re mainly looking for length I would not waste my money on a bathmate I would get a Phallosan and LENGTHMASTER. I am glad you’re taking those mental cues from SRT on healing as healing is just as important as gaining. So for now it looks like things are going well so let’s keep that up and I will visit you every day to see what progress you’re making. And believe me I can be a bitch if you don’t respond ?
Well shit. That means i need to actually start a progress thread. Lol. I'm actually shooting for girth more than length, but I recently notice my hang is fuller and erections bigger when i'm doing length work too. I gained relly well (length and girth) in late 2015 when i was doing phallosan + bm, but i think the days when i could gain with nothing but the phallosan are long gone. But I don't think I'm ready for the LENGTHMASTER. Physically or psychologically lol. So, manual stuff it is, for now.
We are here cheering for you! With a log it's easier to stay on top of what you have done and when it might be time to add intensity and so on. I can be a bitch as well. :D
But making remarks of what you're doing in PE, online or offline, is a way to stay on a consistent path.
"Just like" one could make a food diary or exercise diary, it'll be easier to pinpoint what works and what doesn't.

I sympathize strongly about the right mental aspect. Some days can be rough and sometimes one might feel like giving up, but there are gains in the horizon with consistency! :)
T levels know I understand why I felt the way I felt ? the other day this girl told I had to heat things up damn
T levels know I understand why I felt the way I felt ? the other day this girl told I had to heat things up damn

Did you have your testosterone levels checked?
nope never maybe i should

I’m going to have mine checked because I have absolutely no libido whatsoever. Even if I force myself to look at erotic material is does nothing for me. I’m pretty sure my testosterone levels have dropped but I want to find out for sure. Over the past maybe three months I’ve seen a steady decline in my libido. It’s rare I think about sex at all anymore so all this points to low testosterone.
Don't want to steal Stoner's thread too much, but I do suggest testosterone level check ups.
If possible together with some vitamin levels. (B and D can be checked easily, other levels maybe not so well.)

I currently have low T-levels, especially for my age. A process is going on for getting better, no shots or pills yet though. Waiting for a MRI scan.
With this said, it's a good idea to have your levels checked from time to time. It can give indication on overall health and what one should try to correct.

Back to Stoner; I hope those mental blocks have started to clear away! I've noticed you online here quite often and I do believe you're doing PE on a very consistent basis. Keep at it and those girth gains will come!
Ah yeah being mentally blocked is lame and stupid, low t levels can fuck me up,weak erections and a lack of interest towards the opposite sex lol
I here
Don't want to steal Stoner's thread too much

I hereby donate this thread to the brotherhood. I may have mental issues, but my dick size appears to be on the rise, so I'm pushing all that to the side. I think my hormones are fine, as long as I keep my spirits up.
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I’m going to have mine checked because I have absolutely no libido whatsoever. Even if I force myself to look at erotic material is does nothing for me. I’m pretty sure my testosterone levels have dropped but I want to find out for sure. Over the past maybe three months I’ve seen a steady decline in my libido. It’s rare I think about sex at all anymore so all this points to low testosterone.

Can you get an erection though, when you think about something erotic? I aint interested in sex either, yet had my levels done a few year ago and I was high, but I can control my sex drive by doing other stuff.

IMHO if you can get an erection when thinking about erotic stuff, your testosterone should be good.
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